<Chapter 22>

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"Yoongi are you coming?"

I heard Jin screaming through the house as we were about to leave for Yeji's dance competition. 

"Yeah I'm here", Yoongi rushed down the stairs with a little box in his hands, which was decorated with small pink rhinestones.

"Let's go. We're already a little late", Namjoon opened the main door, where our driver already waited for us with the limousine.

I was actually really excited to finally see Yeji dancing. We heard so much about it, but never saw anything like the stories her mom told us. I never really attended something like this before either. We were trained for the mafia life very early, meaning we never did the stuff normal kids would do. While other kids played games together or took part in competitions, we learned how to defend ourselves if needed and handling weapons.

Although this might sound odd to other people, it was normal for us. We were used to using guns and training to be prepared for everything.

This was also the reason why we wanted to control her dancing life. You never know when the enemy attacks and I'm sure they already know about our new family members, which didn't make this easier.

It broke my heart when we had that fight with Yeji, which later lead us to increase the security and always have some guards watching her. It must really be an important part in her life to be so passionate about it. She practically begged us to let her continue to dance like she did before.

"We're here", Namjoon called out to us while opening the door of our limousine.

We walked to the entrance and were already greeted with a big lobby, where the registration took place.

"Hello! Can I see your tickets please",  a young lady called out to us as soon as it was our turn.

Jin handed her all seven tickets.

"Let me see. You guys are in the VIP section directly in front of the stage, where all the managers and trainers will also be present. You'll also have access to the food court in the backstage area, where you can meet our contestants. Do you have any relatives who are going to perform?"

"Yeah, Kim Yeji", I smiled at her.

"Oh yeah. Kim Yeji along with her other group members of Itzy are in room 112 if you want to visit them in the break. Here you go. Have fun!", she smiled at us and handed us some special VIP cards.

"This is fun", Jhope looked at us, when we found our section and looked up to the stage. The show was going to start in a few minutes and I was already excited.

"Where are you? I don't see you", I looked to my left to see Taehyung calling someone, probably her.

"Oh, ok. But make sure you're here in a few minutes. The show is about to start."

"She is coming soon, don't worry.", he ended the call and turned to us with a smile plastered on his lips.

I was happy that Taehyung and Jimin finally started to accept Yeji in the family, because she really was a sweet soul and meant no harm to any of us. It was really cute to see them so happy over their secret plan of bringing her here and introducing her to our new family member.

I also haven't seen her for a few weeks, even though we are related and even work together.

"It's starting", Yoongi called out making me snap out of my thoughts and look at the stage.

The first contestants performed after the host announced them. There were some judges taking notes of their performance and rating it afterwards with a few sentences, which was really interesting.

The first half of the show was almost over as the host finally announced Yeji's group.

"And now we're going to greet one of the highest ranking groups on the stage for their first performance. Ladies and gentlemen, applause for Itzy!", we applauded as loud as we could, as we recognized the name, she already mentioned a few times. The lights went out as I suddenly felt someone next to me.

"Oh, I'm almost late"


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