<Chapter 26>

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Today was Monday, which meant that Rosie finally transferred to our school, along with our other cousin, who I didn't know yet. But he or her was probably going to be older than me anyway.

"Rosie Unnieee", I shouted as soon as I saw her standing near the lockers, next to another girl, who looked like her age. Itzy was already in their classrooms as I waited for Rosie to arrive, so I could meet her and my still unknown other cousin.

"I missed youu", I engulfed her in a tight hug as soon as I got to her.

"I missed you too", she chuckled and squished my cheeks, softly breaking the hug.

I turned around as I heard someone clearing their throat behind us.

"Hi, Im Kim Jisoo!", she introduced herself before smiling.

"Hi! I'm Kim Yeji, nice to meet you!", I suppose she must be my other cousin.

"She's your other cousin and is two years older than me, meaning she's the same age as Jin and also goes to university", I pouted, realizing that we couldn't spend much time together.

"But we can meet up for lunch. I don't want the whole school to notice me for being related to BTS anyway.", Jisoo smiled.

"I don't think that's gonna work out. The whole school knew that I was BTS' stepsister after only two weeks.", I laughed.

"I already heard about that from a few students. Everyone's talking about them. It's so annoying", Rosie rolled her eyes, while Jisoo nodded.

"I'll have to go now. See you at lunch!", I quickly bade goodbye to them and hurried to my classroom, as I was almost late for my first lesson.

The first half of the school day was hella boring. The only thing which didn't let me go, was Jay constantly staring at me during maths. It felt like he was planning something again, which really couldn't come at any worse time, because I was already busy with my plan to convince my brothers, to let me train to be a kpop idol, along with the other Itzy members.

I didn't even know why he would bother to take revenge anyway. The whole thing happened more than a month ago and we all know that he was the one bumping into Yuna. I just defended her, which every good friend would do. Knowing that BTS were my brothers didn't make them scared, even though they already received a beating from Jimin and Taehyung before. I just hoped they wouldn't make any silly move again and anger my brothers, because that wouldn't end well for both J3 and me.

"The food is sooo good", Rosé squealed, making me look up to her. We were currently in the cafeteria, Ryujin, Lia, Chaer and Yuna immersed in their conversation while I was being trapped by my thoughts again.

"You really love food, don't you?", I chuckled while she nodded with her mouth stuffed.

"As long as there's food, Rosie is happy", Jisoo softly laughed.

I was about to say something, when I felt someone putting their tray next to me and a hand around my shoulder. "Missed me?", I looked to my right, to see Jay grinning at me, Heeseung and Jake placing themselves next to Yuna and Chaeryeong, who looked scared of them.

I also was scared, very scared to be honest. Not because of J3. Well, not only because of them. My brothers, who were sitting at the table next to us and already glaring at the not so welcomed guests at our table, being the main reason. They could be hella overprotective sometimes and as much as I hated J3, they were still too young to die.

"What do you want from me?", I tried hiding my trembling hands as best as I could. Rosie and Jisoo looked at me, confused about the situation. I didn't tell Rosie about it as I thought they might stop with that silly revenge thing, but turns out I was wrong. Only Itzy, Taehyung and Jimin knew till now, which was probably about to change.

"Me? Don't worry I'm not gonna do something. I just wanna enjoy lunch with you", he continued grinning at me and scooted closer, making me back away a little.

"Hey! What are you doing?", Jisoo glared daggers at him as soon as she saw me being uncomfortable. I shortly turned my gaze towards Itzy, who were busy shoving Jake and Heeseung off of Yuna and Chaeryeong.

"Calm down. I'm not doing anything, right Yeji?", he started playing with my hair, while I just nodded, tears welling up in my eyes. He reminds me so much of him. The way he acted, the way he grinned and the way he spoke. It was like he was the same soul in a different body. Everything he did reminded me of him.

"That bastard", Rosé gritted her teeth and was about to stand up, when Jay was forcefully ripped off me, making me breathe in relief, which turned into schock shortly after, when I saw Jungkook holding Jay on his collar and throwing a punch at his face.

People started gathering around us, making the situation worse than it already was. Tears started flowing down my cheeks when I heard Jay screaming as Taehyung and Jimin also started to throw punches at him.

He started to cough blood, making me feel like puking. I hated blood. I've always had problems dealing with violence, which also led to me not being able to see a big amount of blood.

"DON'T YOU DARE LAY YOUR HANDS ON MY SISTER AGAIN!", Junkook punched his face with every word he said, while Jimin and Taehyung kicked him in the stomach, like there was no tomorrow. The other four only stood there and observed the situation with their cold faces.

I quickly looked to Itzy to see Heeseung and Jake still bothering Yuna and Chaeryeong, being a little too violate while Jisoo and Rosé were unaware of them. Trying my best to not collapse I stood up and quickly stepped in between them.

"YEJI!", Jisoo stood up but was too late.

I screamed as I felt a sharp pain in my left leg, shielding Chaeryeong from Heeseungs kick. I slid down to the ground with Chaeryeong catching me and kneeling down in front of me. "Unnie I'm sorry", she cried out as she saw the tears streaming down my face. I tried my best to hide the pain but the kick was really harsh and it would be a lie to say that it didn't hurt.

"Yeji!", Rosé and Jisoo kneeled down next to us. I looked up to see worry in their eyes, which was soon replaced with shock as Heeseung was snatched away from the ground by an angry Yoongi. I flinched as his head was smashed into a nearby wall. My breath hitched as I saw the blood dripping from his head and onto the floor.

"Hey Yeji! It's okay we're here", I felt myself being engulfed in a tight hug. Jake was the last one to be snatched away by one of my brothers. All three of them were lying lifelessly on the floor. Remembering that I was once as pathetic as they were right now made me sob.

"STOP THAT FUCKING BULLSHIT!", I heard Rosé's voice. She shouted like her life depended on it, but I only heard it like a whisper. There he was again. He slowly made his way towards me while I backed away, scared that he would hurt me again.

"No no no! Go away! Please!", I screamed hysterically while backing away until I felt the stone cold wall behind me, making me sob harder. I couldn't escape.


New Character unlocked:

Kim Jisoo as Kim Jisoo
<22 years old
<cousin of BTS
<works with a mafia called Bangtan Sonyeondan

Kim Jisoo as Kim Jisoo<22 years old<cousin of BTS<works with a mafia called Bangtan Sonyeondan

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