<Chapter 21>

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Timeskip 2 weeks


Today was the day before our competition. We were currently in the dance studio, rehearsing our song again to make sure everything was perfect. Everyone was a little bit nervous as tomorrow was going to be the big day. Many mentors from big companies would be present, watching us perform and decide if we were good enough to be training to be idols.

"And ending pose!", Lisa shouted as we posed and the song ended.

"Great girls! If you do it like this tomorrow, I'm sure everyone is going to be enchanted by your performance", Jennie clapped and smiled at us.

I dropped myself on the floor, exhausted of all the training. I couldn't believe that tomorrow was going to be the day we trained for so hard. Our performance was going to decide if we were good enough to be trainees or if we had to train harder than ever. Even though I was really looking forward to performing again, I was still a little nervous. My brothers would see me dancing and singing for the first time and I was kinda scared of their reaction.

"You guys did great. I'm proud of you", I looked up to my girls and smiled at them.

The leader role kinda fit me better than I expected and I was proud to be in such an incredible team with my best friends. It would really be amazing to perform with them in the future too.

"That's it for now. We're gonna meet up tomorrow afternoon here and drive to the venue together. The outfits are already packed and the make up is managed by Jennie as you all know. Please get enough sleep and eat well, so you have as much energy as possible. Have a great evening, see you tomorrow!", Lisa and Jennie smiled at us before leaving the practice room.

"I can't wait to perform again. Do you think they'll like our song?", Yuna stood up and grabbed a neat water bottle.

"I'm sure they're gonna be shocked as it wasn't necessary to write an own song, but it really turned out perfect for us, so I think they'll like it", Lia started packing her bags.

"I think so too. We also have three performances, so I don't think we have to fear anything.", I smiled at them, while standing up.

"You're right.", Chaeryeong agreed.

"I'll get going now. Don't forget to sleep early! See you!", Ryujin engulfed us in a group hug before walking out of the practice room too.


A smile was plastered on my lips as I saw the familiar van standing in front of the dance studio. We always take this van to drive to our competitions, as it's big enough for all of us and our equipment, like make up, outfits and so on. My hands traced over the pink logo printed on the sliding door as my smile grew wider. I couldn't wait to finally perform again and enjoy the spotlight with my favorite people around me.

"You're early. Only Lisa and me are here till now."

I turned around to see Jennie coming up to me with a few suitcases and boxes, probably filled with our outfits and make up.

"Yeah I know. I couldn't wait", I chuckled while helping her place the boxes in the trunk.

"Cute. The others should come soon too, so you can already take a seat and wait for them. I'm just gonna tell Lisa that we're ready real quick"

I nodded and opened the door, before taking a seat next to the window. I put on my headphones and listened to some music while waiting for the others to arrive.



I quickly opened my eyes and took off my headphones, seeing Yuna smiling at me.

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