<Chapter 12>

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I curled myself up into a ball, and covered my ears as I saw three strangers beating Jay up. I tried my best to calm down but the memories wouldn't stop replaying in my head. I felt the same pain even though I knew he wasn't here right now.

I screamed and backed away as I felt someone touching my shoulder, thinking it was Jay again.

"Hey, calm down! I'm not going to hurt you!", I looked up, seeing a male stranger. Although my vision was a bit blurry because of the tears, which were still falling down my cheeks, I could see his eyes softening as he locked eye contact.

"Let's get out of here before he wakes up again.", I looked to my left, where Jay was laying unconscious on the floor, two other males standing beside him.

I tried to stand up but hissed while feeling myself falling down again because of my stomach. He really punched me hard. Luckily the stranger reacted fast and caught me before I could hit the ground. He picked me up in princess style and walked towards the other boys.

"Please call Seonghwa to pick us up. She has to be treated and we'll have to bring her back home.", one of the boys nodded at the order and pulled his phone out of his pocket. My breath hitched as I remembered the fight I had with my brothers. Would they be worried if they knew what happened to me?

"Don't worry. Everything's going to be ok.", the stranger assured me and walked out of the alley with me in his arms.

A big black limousine parked in front of us and the one who called Seonghwa before, opened the door for. Five boys were already seated and one elderly man sat at the steering wheel. The stranger went in, gently put me on a seat and put the seatbelt on for me.

"Who is she Hongjoong?", someone asked as soon as everyone was seated.

"I don't know. We saved her from some guy who harassed and beat her", I tried not to cry again, hearing the stranger, whose name was Hongjoong, talking about the incident, which happened a few minutes ago. "Do you want to tell us something about you or atleast if you have a place where you could go?"

I didn't know what to say. I still needed to process what just had happened and eight complete strangers staring at me didn't make it any better. I wanted to lock myself in my room and never come out again.

"Look, I know you're scared and probably shocked from what just happened but we're not going to hurt, so please cooperate and at least tell us how you ended up there.", Hongjoong looked at me with soft eyes trying not to intimidate me.

I sighed knowing that I had to tell them if I wanted to get home again. "My mom was getting married today as my dad died when I was young. The man she married has sons, meaning they are my stepbrothers. Most of them had a good relationship with me and I thought that wouldn't change after the wedding but they suddenly wanted to order me around with some crazy rules and I got really angry because of that. I said some bad things, like really bad. One of them was so angry that he threw me out of the car, in which we were supposed to drive home together. You know what happened next.", tears rolled down my cheeks as I explained everything to them.

Everyone was silent until Hongjoong spoke up again. "Listen, I know you might not want to go back but we'll have to bring you home"

I nodded, knowing my mom will be worried if I wouldn't show up again. "Do you know BTS?"

They all nodded. "They are good friends of us, why?"

"They are my stepbrothers"


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