<Chapter 6>

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"What do you want from me?", I asked the two boys who were standing in front of me. I was going to class with Lia when someone grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the rooftop. Fortunately he grabbed my right wrist. Unfortunately, I was confronted by two older boys who even hated the thought of me being their sister.

"We want you to cancel this marriage", the shorter one tried to say friendly but failed miserably. Jimin was his name.

"And how the hell am I supposed to do that? It's not my wedding!", I was getting annoyed.

"Just ask your mom! It's not that hard!", the other one spat at me with his husky voice.

"And what if I say no? Do it yourself!", I don't know where the courage came from but I loved saying what I thought out loud.

"Look, we don't want to hurt you and we're not planning to do anything to you, so just do what we say, ok? You have time till Friday which is in two days, got it?", Jimin was still trying to be nice.

"Two days?! Are you kidding me?"

"Better watch your mouth little girl. Just do as we say and you won't have any problems. And don't tell anyone about this!", Taehyung glared at me before leaving with Jimin.

That's bad. That's really bad. How am I supposed to deal with this situation without making my mother heartbroken or making my stepbrothers hate me for the rest of my life.

I quickly ran off the rooftop, realizing I was already late to class. Great. Now I'll have detention because of my lovely brothers.


"They what?!"

"Yup, they threatened me to cancel the wedding.", I told my friends while we were eating our lunch in the cafeteria.

"Well, thats not what I expected but maybe it's their way of protecting you.", I glared at Lia.

"Sorry. I just tried to cheer you up a little bit", I sighed as Lia apologized to me.

"Let's not fight, okay? I'm sure they won't hurt you Unnie. Otherwise they'll feel my anger.", Yuna raised up her fist and tried to look angry which only ended up with us laughing at her cuteness.

"Thank you Yuna, although I'm sure they won't even feel a little pain if you punch them", I laughed. Yuna just pouted at my statement.

"Guys, don't forget that we have dance practice today. Lisa and Jennie said it's really important for the upcoming competition in a few weeks. We'll have to sort out the formations and choreographies with Lisa in the next lessons. And Jennie still needs our measurements for the outfits.", Ryujin reminded us

Lisa was our dance teacher and manager. She always helped us to perfect our choreographies and formations for competitions or important events. Even though we choreographed most of them on our own, we still needed a little help if we couldn't decide between steps or center formations. She was also in charge of our schedules which included soundchecks, outfit fittings and more.

Jennie was our stylist. She always arranged our outfits and make-up for us. She had great style and always tried to pick out good looking but still comfortable clothes for dancing.

"Yeah, thank you for reminding us. I almost forgot", Chaeryeong laughed.

"I'm really looking forward to it. We haven't had a competition for months and I missed performing so much". I really couldn't wait to finally perform again. I know Lisa would probably not allow me to practice as much as the others because of my wrist but that wasn't going to stop me from giving my best.

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