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Falling in love is never easy 

Chapter 1

In the evening

It was the fifth of July 2021 and all the members of nct dream had just finished their foto shoot for their next comeback. It was the evening of a hot day and there was a fresh breeze in the air after a long day of exhausting work. well the work was mainly to look good in photos for the whole day but it was exhausting if you'd ask Jeno. The whole team was sitting on their balcony, plenty of food on the table, only their manager with them and some staff but no camera team or something like that. they could finally rest. 

And even though he liked his work in front of the camera, all the acting, all the cool gazes and swag moves, all this filming and all that stylish work, he liked it the most with no cameras at all. And he also liked it with less people or only the ones he was cool with. He liked evenings like this, where they could chatter as a group and just carefreely hang out. and maybe just maybe he liked those evenings because a particular someone acted quite different with all the cameras off. Na Jaemin. His bestestes Buddy and friend. It wasn't that Jaemin put special effort in acting differently off cam but Jeno could sense a slight difference in his demeanor. He couldn't quite put a finger on it. Maybe he was a little more chill, or soft, or carefree- it honestly didn't matter to Jeno all he knew was- that he liked it. 

He liked this situation in general. 

Everybody relaxed-eating. Their manager at the head of the table telling funny stories like the old man he was, Chenle and Haechan laughing their asses off. Mark and Renjun were feeding each other as they were sitting together comfortably and Jaemin more or less leaned on Jeno. His back against the wall and his arms and his neck at his shoulders. He was visibly relaxed, listening to their managers and members stories, while occasionally saying something on that.  

Haechan told everyone the breathtaking story of his accident on his mailand visit, saying he had mistaken a temple building for a restroom. Everybody laughs at him and how stupid that was. Jaemin sank further into Jeno, light giggles escaping his mouth. Jeno couldn't help but smile at that softly looking down at him. Jaemin tried to sit up again as the conversation carried on now manager nim was lecturing them about cultural differences in using the bathroom. Maybe that was because he had already drunk a few shots of soju and the mood was getting lighter and sillier. Casually, Jeno sneaked an arm under jaemins arm around his waist so he was now fully leaning against him. Jeno could feel the soft fabric of his warm hoodie under his fingers and his warmth against his side, it made him smile a little. It felt comfortable sitting like this, Jaemin feeling kind of cozy in his Black oversized Hoodie with his sweater paws. Fans would absolutely love this sight. But right now he didn't need to think about fans. 

"Alright Kids, I think I'm getting too drunk... I need to head home, '' the manager said, smiling. everyone groaned. " Ahjussi it's only 10pm we wanna hear your stories" haechan whined the others mumbling their agreement. "It's okay kids, you guys can stay like this and go on where we ended but imma go home" he said while grabbing his coat. "Yeah" "hmm" was  heard. "You guys wanna drink some more. we don't have  a schedule tomorrow" Renjun asked standing up behind manager Nim walking inside. Everybody nodded their heads. They were all way too comfortable chilling in the chilly air. Jaemin had turned his head a little so Jeno could see that he had his eyes barely closed and a relaxed face. "good guys, when was the last time we were drunk" mark asked "the last time was when Jeno and Jaemin where trying to get up to the roof cause they wanted to stargazed so badly even though it was a cloudy night" Haechan chuckled from across the table looking at the two. Jaeming, opening his eyes, now smiled at him and scrunched his nose. 

"At least we were not lying on the table pretending to fly, like you did that one time" he shot back sassily and Mark and Chenle  broke out in laughter. Jeno smiled at him almost proudly. 

"Don't make me unpack all the embarrassing drunk stories of you two '' Mark said however. The balcony door opened and Renjun came out with some Soju bottles. 

"There is nothing embarrassing about what we did...." Jaemin pouted. He sat up and looked at Renjun, who was sitting down at the head of the table now. "Renjun, you're the judge, who is more embarrassing when drunk" and then he pointed fingers at him and haechan. Jeno couln'd contain a big lazy smile at the eagerness of Jaemin. "you're more embarrassing even when you're not drunk," Renjun said with a cold face before the whole table broke out in laughter. "a toast to that '' Haechan laughed and Jaemin just rolled his eyes playfully.  

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