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Drunk Thoughts

Later that evening they went to a club, with caps and masks or sunglasses for obvious reasons but they just trusted the drunkenness of the people and the weird lights in the club.

They really rarely went partying all together but when they did it was always a lot of fun, drinking, stupid games and sometimes even hookups. Jeno quite enjoyed partying especially with his friends and especially, especially with one particular person.

Jaemin was standing with a cocktail in hand a little away from the crowd next to their little friend group, the club was not exceptionally big and not too crowded but kind of full. Jeno was next to Mark and Haechan who were talking and laughing, dancing and drinking but his eyes were glued on Jaemin. Said boy was scanning the club eyes over the purple (or was it blue) drink he looked in Jenos direction. Jeno froze. "You know you can go to him and talk to him right" "What" Jeno snapped his gaze away from Jaemin to Mark who was grinning at him brightly.

"truth or dare?... okay I dare you to go up to Jaemin and talk to him" Haechan intervenes grinning tipsy. "What the heck" Jeno mumbled. Shaking his head, the alcohol was luckily not showing. "Good luck" Mark giggled. "What is wrong with you guys". Jeno walked over to Jaemin who had spotted him the second Jeno walked in his direction.

"What is such a handsome fella doing alone here?" God this was stupid. Jaemin choked a bit on his drink.

"I don't know... you tell me"


"as always".

"I'd like to know something," Jeno said, drawing the words on his tongue.

Jaemin just lifted his eyebrows and stood there expectantly while Jeno came closer. Jeno had no idea what he was doing; he just looked at the beautiful man in front of him who gave him an amused curious look with his big sparkly eyes. This was stupid, dangerous, idiotic but the smile Jaemin had in his eyes and on his lips was enough to make Jeno stupid.

he still hadn't asked his question but he was near Jaemin and his heart felt warm, fluttery and right. Jaemins eyes got brighter and his smile was sheepish. "Mr. Lee Jeno, what would you like to know?". His eyes were cat-like, playful but somehow ready to devour something. Jeno took another step forward now they were again only inches away from each other and the thought of kissing Jaemin was all that could rush through his brain.

"What..." Jeno thought for a moment looking right into Jaemins eyes.

"What is going on inside this pretty head of yours" He wanted credit for this save. Jaemins eyes widened a bit and he chuckled thoughtfully. "Oh you know this and that... some tipsy thoughts that's all" he made a cute sound his breath hitching and Jeno had no idea why but he'd love to hear it again and he also really wanted to kiss him right here and now and he was mad at himself that he couldn't.

"Tipsy thoughts" He mumbled his voice had dropped a bit to his own surprise. Jaemins eyes widened a little, his jaw clenching for a millisecond. Cute. "Yeah"

The tension prickled under Jenos skin crawled up his arms and into his messed up brain.

Did Jaemin notice any of this? Was his skin hot too? "And you? Are you having tipsy thoughts too?" Jaemin asked, his face unreadable and so open at the same time. Jeno couldn't help but let a deep chuckle escape.

"They're reeeeally tipsy to be honest" He grinned to himself and Jaemin grinned as well, eyeing him. His eyes sparkled. He looked pretty with his cute little cap and gray T-shirt, his face so beautiful, his demeanor breathtaking. He wanted to claim him, to take him to ruin him. A deep dark hidden desire and he was drunk and was really using all his self restraint to not kiss him or tell him something he shouldn't know.

"You're" he started but luckily stopped himself. "Needagotothebathroom" Jeno mumbled and hastily went away.

The rest of the evening was a weird hazy mix of playing drinking games with his friends ́ painfully true jokes about Jamein und Jeno from their friends and a lot... a looooot of stares.

Every time Jaemin stared back they either had a weirdly long eye contact or they shied away. The alcohol made Jenos' brain even stupider and more reckless. and at the end of the evening he felt like he would suffocate if he had to look at Jaemin for longer without being able to kiss him. As they were on their way home- they all ordered a taxi because they were too drunk to drive- his soggy brain tried to come up with solutions:

-number one he could just kiss him and brush it of later,

-he could hide himself in the bathroom and cry for the whole night,

-he could run away and start a new life at a farm in the countryside of korea orrrrrrr

-he could try to sleep in the same room as Jaemin in hopes that nothing stupid would come out of his mouth.

The last option seemed like the best option, even if it was the least convenient.

They came back to the dorms, paid the taxi driver an insane amount of money because they were scammed, and stumbled all through the door, wasted and drunk. Mark and Hachan were singing Hallelujah and Jaemin was in a complain- monologue.

Jeno patted his back in support, nodding even though he didn't understand a single word. The bad thing was that he had given up denying himself that he was utterly and hopelessly hooked on Jaemin but that meant that his brain couldn't stop thinking about him.

The two stumble into their room and Jeno bid his tongue.

"Let's go to bed" Jaemin said his voice slurred and his lid heavy, Jeno nodded walking half confidently to their bathroom, Jaemin following. "Gosh I always get so stupid when I'm drunk" Jaemin laughed, closing the bathroom door Jeno chuckling. He dared to look at the younger leaning next to him on the sind clumsily putting toothpaste on a toothbrush. Jenos heart smiled at that, cute. cute. cute. He mimicked the action Jaemin had done and took a step back to stand in front of Jaemin. They sometimes brushed their teeth together and Jeno loved it, it meant that they could go to sleep together and wake up in the same room and Jeno wanted to do that for the rest of his life. "Why ya grinning?" Jaemin asked, his hair fell in his face and he brushed his strands away. "Uhm" Jeno made dumbly. "Cause you look funny" he said and gave Jaemins cheeks an uncoordinated squeeze. Jaemin grinned at that. Jeno smiled at how he loved this human. "You're cute" Jaemin mumbled, putting his toothbrush away after he finished. halfway on his way to looking up at Jeno, Jeno stepped into his personal space. His eyes grew a little wider at the proximity Jeno finished brushing his teeth and whipped his head around to Jaemin. His mind was a blissful fuzz, his body full of the dangerous thing some call love. His desires on the tip of his tongue just in his reach. And Jeno wanted nothing more than to let the boundaries slip and get lost in the feeling. He wanted to write a song about Jaemin cause he felt a little like eternity in front of him.

Jaemin looked at him with a hint of amusement on his lips, a little expecting, he was leaning on the sink, probably from exhaustion looking up at Jaeno with sparkly eyes. Jenos throat felt dry and his heart was beating rapidly, he thought about his friend and his fans and their teasing and how fucking right they were.

"Jaemini" he said fondly and drunkenly, his voice was a bit raspier and deeper because of the alcohol. "Hmm?" Jaemin answered. Eyelids heavy. God why the fuck did he have to be so gorgeous. "Let's go to bed" Jeno managed to say.

"Let's cuddle" Jaemin said in less of a question and more of a statement. He was going to be the death of him.

They laid together in Jenos bed and maybe Jeno couldn't resist it and gave a little kiss on Jaemins cheek and he needed all his strength to not give him a second kiss and a third and fourth. Darkness in the room, just Jaemin next to him and he could feel the warmth of him. He let his hands sneak on the back of Jaemins neck and they fell asleep like this.

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