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Sleep with me

Jeno heard a shrill laugh. It was near midnight and they all had decided to let the evening slip away with each other. so they all gathered in Jisungs room which was the biggest of them all. Gathered all over the sofa or the beds.

They were on their phones or talking in a relaxed manner as Chenle let out a laugh way too loud for everyone to ignore. "Send it into our group chat" he said to someone in the room unknown to Jeno. He was lying on his back on one of the beds. Scrolling through instagram as a message popped up in the group chat. He was too lazy to react to it immediately he just heard the reaction of the other boys Mark muffling a laugh and others just silently gasping.

Haechan who was sitting next to him looked at him. "Yo wanna tell us something?"

Jeno opened the message and it was a photo. It was the photo Renjun had shot at the pool. It looked really good. The light of the pool with the dark skyline behind them and the wet to people in the middle him holding on Jaemin and Jaemin looking up at him with a sly but startled expression. Face relaxed, both not smiling just looking at each other. Jenos gaze was way too intense.

He looked up at the other member staring at him and Jaemin.

Playful question marks on their faces. "They just forgot I was there with them and pulled this shit" Renjun said. Smacking Jaemin who was sitting next to him Jaemin giggled looking down.

"For real, are you sure you're not dating or sum?" Haechan asked again. And Jeno as well as Jaemin went red at that implication. "I hate you guys" Jeno said and turned on his back again to distract himself with social media. "Wait what? does that mean...?" Mark asked genuinely confused.

"You can be honest with us" Renjun said this time he sounded genuinely and serious looking at the two friends again.

"Guys stop it" Jaemin groaned, sinking into himself feeling lost at the sincerity in the voice of the other members.

"Okay we give you your privacy"

"Of course we're not fucking dating" Jeno groaned annoyed. There was a mean burning in his guts and he didn't like it.

Why would they date anyways?

"Gonna go to sleep" Jaemin stood up from his bed, his voice empty but Jeno could feel something was wrong. He wanted to go with him, but he didn't want to feed into their banter. He knew they would be a pain in the ass in the next few days.

Luckily Haechan and Mark decided to also go to bed so Jeno stood silently up following the boys out the door. The rest stayed to talk.

He was quick to catch up to Jaemin as the younger was walking to his room. He gave him a questioning look and Jaemin nodded letting him in too. He let himself plop onto the bed, groaned and put a hand over his eyes. Jeno felt bad seeing him so stressed.

He sat down next to him. A tingling in his chest as he looked down.

"They are just being stupid" He said, hoping it would soothe the younger. "I know but it's annoying" he said, pouting, looking up at Jeno. And he had the impulse to caress his soft cheeks and erase everything that made him upset from his life. He looked so sweet looking at him like that. He wanted to hold him close and hug him. Hold him and stop the time.

So he did, he wrapped his hands loosely around Jaemin pulling him to his chest. And everything in his brain stopped; he just felt the warm sweet blooming affection in his chest. WIth his lovely boy in his arms. He might never be dating him but he could hold him and be there for him. His brain completely froze as Jaemin lazyly drooped his face in the crook of his neck. His skin tingled. He felt like pink skies, brain buzz, sweet sparkling water, soft warm wind and tingling sunlight.

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