Hypothetical dates

"Don't you wish sometimes that we were allowed to date?" Jaemin asked. He and Jeno were sitting on the balcony alone staring into the evening and talking about random feelings and thoughts. Jeno felt a weird stitch at that question. He looked at Jaemin who was sitting closely next to him. Wrapped in a black oversized hoodie and his knees pressed to his chest while leaning on Jeno. His face was incredible close to Jenos. "what do you mean by that?" Jeno asked which was a bit dumb because the stated question was obvious but he didn't know how to answer. He forbit himself to think about such things. It would make stuff complicated.

"I mean..." Jaemin began and Jeno still looked at him as if he was studying his face. "You never think about what it would be like to like... date somebody... be in love blah blah this kind of stuff" he asked, his expression a bit unsure. eyes occasionally drifting to Jeno and then back to the sky, It wasn't rare for them to have late night conversations of that kind, their comeback ahead they had a lot of stress they both needed to let go, but something in Jaemins eyes, some kind of longing made Jenos heart feel heavy.

"Who would you date if you could?" Jeno asked immediately, feeling as if he should have thought it through before. Jaemins expression changed into a shy smile. "I don't ́t know... I never thought about it- I've never been in a relationship I just- it's sad that we ́re not allowed" Jaemin mumbled quietly.

"I've been in one or one and a half you could say. And it's really not that great" Jaemin raised an eyebrow and eyed him. " Jeno lied. It had been kind of nice not reaaaally but he wanted to make Jaemin feel better. "How was it" he asked exited. Jeno told him the story of his first and second relationship and how the second one ended after a few weeks. The girls he had been with and what they did, all the lovey dovey things and he couldn't help but imagine Jaemin being all boyfriend-like. The person Jaemin would choose would be really lucky. "But when were you dating those girls?" Jaemin asked and Jeno told him that he had been dating them illegally. "But.." Jeno tried to change the subject and there was also a question burning on his mind.

"what kind of woman is your type nana?" he asked tilting his head to stare him down intensely in a humorous manner. "Uhm I really don't know I think cute girls are my type, but also fierce, or funny I think just someone who treats me well..." Jaemin shrugged, leaning his head back against the wall looking deep in thought. "I think it would be really stressful to be in a relationship tho but wanna try it" "Hm '' is all Jeno could reply he thought about his taste in women but he hadn't fallen in love since his last relationship. Heck he hadn't even caught interest in someone. "you know what" Jaemin said as if he was remembering something big "I've heard a rumor but don't know if it is true" Jaemin said his eyes big, excited to tell the news "Tell me" Jeno demanded being fond by Jamins excitement Jaemin leaned closer as if he was telling a secret. "I heard Taeyong and Doyoung are secretly dating" he said Jenos eyes widened. He didn't see that coming. He had met them a few times, talked, and they were kinda good but they were both guys. Which was obviously no problem but he.. hadn't expected that. "Wait... really? you think so?" he asked in disbelief "well I don't know for sure but Ten who is close to both of them told me and they look really cute together don't you think" Jaemin stated. Jeno laughed, ten was the tea- aunty of NCT.

"Yeah they look good, I'm happy for them if the rumor is true it's cute" Jeno said smiling he could really vividly imagine the two being cute together.

Dating the own members was risky but it could also be really cute and convenient.

For some reason the thought of him dating one of his members crossed his mind and he immediately imagined himself and Jaemin cuddling. What the hell is wrong with him?

They still talked a little about this and that and then they went to bed an unexplainable feeling had built up in Jenos stomach and he chose, once again, to ignore it.

He laid in bed and thought about Jaemin wanting a girlfriend. Or a boyfriend. The thought was weird. But if Jaemin wanted to have a boyfriend that would be totally fine as well. He pictured Jaemin with Haechan. Weird they wouldn't fit together. Haechan wouldn't match his energy. his mind started to wander. Someone like Jisung too. Johnny maybe? Jeno felt weird. Their energy matched better but it felt wrong. God Jeno felt himself go down a rabbit hole of weird feelings and thoughts before he shut down his own thoughts and decided that it was none of his business who Jaemin could, would, should, date.

slightly less words this time hehe

yeah the lenghts of the chapters vary a bit

annnd I just wanted to say

Jeno is quite stupid

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