On Set

A few weeks after their first stage (which had been great by the way) the whole group was in a constantly stressed state.

Performing, giving interviews and filming videos. It was mostly fun, they had little games or tasks in their videos, could spend time with each other, be competitive or grow closer as sub-teams. Jeno was obviously still the closest with Jaemin but a little bit had shifted in the last weeks he somehow felt as if Jaemin was hiding something subtle from him even if there was no suspicion in the first place but maybe he didn't tell him the whole truth with what was going on with Jehyon. Jaemin had told him every encounter the two had had. They had met backstage between the sets, Jehyon was present in nearly every youtube video they filmed, always being painfully obvious and determined to speak to him.

Jehyon brought him food, stared at him, made him compliments and on one hand it made Jeno happy because he knew his friend liked the attention but at the same time he felt oddly jealous. And he didn't know why. He wasn't even interested in men. Especially those like Jehyon.

Jehyon had walked up to him one time, and had asked for Jaemins Number Jeno had dismissed him and had encouraged him to ask Jamin himself. He shouldn't have done this because shortly after he had seen Jaemin and Jehyon happily chatting in the hallway, Jehyon with a big victorious smile on his lips.

Jaemin had told Jeno everything they had talked about and it turns out he and Jaemin fit really well together. But it bothered Jeno.

Now they were sitting on benches at a video set, taking a break from filming as Jehyon slowly walked over to them as they were only sitting there by themselves. In comfortable silence leaning on each other just how it was comfortable for Jeno. Jaemin was taking away his stress by scrolling through his phone.

"I hope I'm not bothering you" Jehyon said as he stepped closer.

"No not at all come here" Jaemin smiled lazyly and Jeno just knew that it would have a big effect on Jehyon". He didn't notice how his face turned slack.

Jehyon sat down next to them. He turned to Jaemin making Jeno feel like he was third wheeling. Jaemin put his Phone down and smiled at Jehyon. Jeno had no idea if Jaemin was being friendly and open and sweet or if the younger one was also interested in the staff.

"How are you doing?" Jehyon asked and he sounded as if he had asked only Jamein so Jeno didn't even bother replying. He was pissed and the next sentence he heard from Jehyon wasn't making it better.

"You know this might sound really stupid but..." He fiddled with his words a little "would you like to go eat out some time" He was quiet for a while. Jeno didn't even look at the two but he could sense that Jaemin was feeling stressed. "Uhm yeah of course you could have asked me on Line '' he sounded a bit surprised. "I wanted to ask you personally"

"Uh sure yeah I'm in when?"

Jeno was hating every bit of this conversation to the bone. The way Jehyon seemed so eager and the worst part, Jaemin didn't sound bothered at all, just surprised and flustered.

"Tomorrow I'll take you somewhere" Jehyon said and was already eagerly walking away.

"Huh?" Jaemin looked after him.

Jeno finally had the nerves to look back again at Jemin who was looking confused, his cheeks in a little pink shade which matched his T-shirt.

"You have your first date now huh?" Jeno couldn't help but feel sour. Why was he angry at the two of them? He should feel happy his bestie was getting some romantic interest but it felt as if it was all wrong.

"Well I don't know"

hmmm hmmm

Do you like Jehyon ?

Probably not

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