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Chapter 2

A little party never hurt no one

"Chug, chug, chug, chug," everyone chanted around Mark who was drowning tree shots of Soju all the way. They were all cheering, already a little tipsy. Mark yelled and wiped the alcohol off. It wasn't usual for the group to be so unhinged but it was fun. Jeno was standing beside Haechan and Renjun. Mark passed half a bottle to him. "Jeno-ah go go go go" before he could realize what was happening Mark lifted the bottle and everybody was shouting. So he drank. He was nearly at the bottom of the bottle when Mark snatched it again and pushed it into Jaemin's hand. Jaemin who had been excitedly shouting a minute before was now dumbfounded, but Jeno did as Mark had done and lifted the bottle to his mouth.
He finished the bottle and they were all yelling for no reason. Laughing and dancing. probably pissing off the neighbors. "Nomin you freaking rock" Mark shouted at Jaem and Jeno and hugged them both. "Nomin?" Jaemin laughed and leaned forward to mark. Jeno giggled "It's our couple name" he pronounced every word extra cheesy. "Ohh coupleee" Mark grinned and lifted an eyebrow as Jeno wrapped an arm around Jaemins waist.
"Couple?" Jaemin repeated with a question Mark written on his cute face. Haechan came up behind the two and suddenly had them both in a chokehold. " awwww you cuties".
He ruffled Jenos and Jamins hair and then went ahead to attack Mark, making everybody laugh at him.
While they were laughing, blabbering and chatting drunkenly, Jaemin and Jeno decided that they wanted to be on their own for a bit. Tipsily they tumbled inside both supporting each other in their clumsiness. Jeno could feel Jaemins breath ghosting over his skin because he was so close to him. for no reason whatever he pulled him a little closer.
jeno just liked Jamin. everything about him, his personality, him being close... it gave him a warm familiarity. He never thought about it but it made him subconsciously seek for his presens next to him. Now they both sat or more like laid down on the couch, a messy warm booze in their heads unable to think straight.
"We're being introverts" Jaemin giggled softly and if it wasn't for their close proximity in which they were both sitting on the couch, he wouldn't have heard it. Jeno giggled as a response "but at least we're being social with each other" he wavered the "other" as he turned to Jaemin and laid his head on his chest so he was basically laing above him.
"Woa you're so intleshen- intellleshe- intaeeeli" Jaemin stated but gave up after being unable to pronounce intelligence. "Your smart neomu smarteeuuuuu" he added afterwards. Jeno wasn't even really listening anymore. He was giggling as he looked at Jaemins expression being confused and cute. "But you're presumably not," he answered, not looking away from Jaemins face. They were 30 cm apart from each other and Jeno found it kind of funny.
"the fuck does presumably mean?" Jaemin furrowed his brow and pouted cutely. Jeno didn't know if he was acting cute by accident or if he just wanted to flex his charm. "Dunno man I'm too drunk '' Jeno laughed while letting his head flop onto Jaemins chest with a loud thump.
"Drunk Jeno" Jaemin mumbled and stroked his hair softly Jeno lifted his head again. They were now eye to eye, the corners of Jaemins mouth turned up in a little smile. Jeno kind of forgot what he was thinking about before, probably not much in his drunk state but now he was just looking at Jamin, carefully watching his features. His kind of dazed eyes half closed out of drunkness still looking back at him. His black hair simply falling on the sides of his face, mouth slightly smiling and sly, his soft skin and small chin tilted up to meet Jenos gaze properly. Jeno didn't know what he was thinking, for a fact he wasn't thinking at all; he just felt happy and relaxed and was looking at his best friend. "What" Jaemin said as his smile got wider and his eyes ghosted over Jenos face he wrapped his hands around him as if he had the same kind of underlying habit of wanting to be closer.
Jeno smiled to and moved his head forward "what what 'm just looking at you"
He widened his eyes in exaggeration "you look funny" Jaemin said grinning and looking up at him. His big eyes were sparkling in the dim light. "Hmm I do?" Jenos asked and raised his brows
"You also look funny" he said and pinched Jaemins cheek. They both fell into a fit of laughter that went on way too long because none of them had said something funny but they didn't care. When the laughter died down Jeno sat up again but not without yanking Jaemin with him cuddling him in the process. "Let's go to sleep" he mumbled sleepily in jaemins ear. The latter shuddered a little under the proximity but nodded his head as he buried his head in the crook of Jenos neck. Smiling at him Jeno just cuddled him more wrapping his hands around him "should I carry you princess" he asked jokingly feeling a little lightheaded because of the alcohol.
Both of them giggled as Jeno stood up and tried to lift Jaemin up. The black haired girl was giggling softly looking up at him from the couch and that made Jeno giggle too. He lazily put his arms behind his back and under his legs lifting him up rather easily. They were both feeling so dizzy and silly from the alcohol that they acted like teenagers.
Jeno carried him to their room as they were roommates. He was extra careful not to trip over something with Jaemin in his arms. He could feel his warmth on his chest and arms felt the skin of his stomach as his shirt occasionally rode up. Jaemin's hands on his shoulders. Jaemin had really soft skin Jeno thought he was overall a really fluffy and soft boy sometimes and Jeno liked him that way, he had another feeling, another vibe about him than the other members maybe because they were closer. but he liked Jaemins' soft, lazy, cuddly, silly side; it made him also feel cozy and soft. When they arrived at their room Jeno let Jaemin down on his bed. He went back to close their door but as he was facing Jaemin once again, said boy had a pout on his face and his head tilted a little. He smiled a little even though he had his lips pursed and he looked a little dreamy Jeno thought. "What's wrong?" Jeno asked fondly he couldn't  resist and moved hastily to Jaemin and sat next to him.
"sleep with me" Jaemin whined with an aigo face and big pouty eyes. In every other situation Jeno would have laughed at it but right now his brain was a little bit slow and dumb and Jaemin looked a little too cute so who was he to say no to that.
" 'Kay Nana I will" Jeno reassured while he leaned forward and bumped his head against Jaemin. He grinned dumbly he wasn't in the mood to think about it longer, about what the others would say, and even if... fuck them.
So that night Jeno slept really safe and sound with his favorite boy in his arms.

"Phahahahah I told you they would do that" a really loud hysterical laugh was the first thing Jeno heard in the morning and it belonged to no other than Haechan. "Shut up don't wake 'em, I ́m gonna take a pic" another laugh was heard until the words flooded Jenos brain and he could act on them, a click sound of an Iphone was heard along with another fit of laughter. Slowly Jeno opened his eyes. He was well aware of the sleeping Jaemin in front of him but he was annoyed at Mark and Haechan.
"the fuck ya doin he groaned ?" as he opened his eyes. "Not fucking like you two do" Mark wheezed and Haechan high fived him. These two were way too lively and happy at the moment, Jeno still had an empty head. Next to him Jaemin opened his eyes and slowly sat up to glance at the tho boys in their room. "Was it good?'' Haechan asked and Mark slapped his arm while laughing. "what" Jaemin asked. He was also still delirious from sleep and hangover. "why the fuck are you two so annoying?" Jeno asked well knowing the intent in which the question had been asked. He couldn't help but feel annoyed at it. To even imply anything sexual had happened between them  was so out of their mind. Sure maaaaaaybee just maybe it wasn't usual for boys to just randomly share a bed but they were besties for fucks sake.
"nananana chill" haechan lifted his hands in defense.
"Why are you guys always sharing a bed?" Mark asked.
"We're not"
"You kind of are..."
"I'm gonna go make some food" Jaemin groaned, visibly annoyed at this kind of conversation. Jeno slightly furrowed his brows. Why would they make him uncomfortable?
Jaemin hopped out of the bed to head straight into the kitchen, his messy black hair bouncing with every step he took. "Look he's dressed" Haechan whispered to Mark in pretend shock.
With a grunt Jeno yeeted a pillow at him. Mark and Haechan just laughed.

Here we go again... :D a new story.
Its a little bit messy and the plot may not be the best but I wrote it for my own enjoyment and maybe some of you might like it...

Jeno and Jaemin are gay heheh

;) enjoy

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