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Amusement park

They went to an amusement park in the afternoon.

The weather was nice. They only spent a little time eating breakfast because it was already so late, but when they packed some things for the short trip, going back to their rooms together the tension was unbearable.

Jaemin was just standing there packing some things, standing back facing Jeno, but Jeno could feel his nervousness. He was torn, he wanted to say something to show the other that there was nothing to be worried about for Jaemin, but he just couldn't'do, he could just smile slightly as they both went out of the door. The ride to the amusement park was relaxed. Everybody was listening to music or napping since it was about an hour bus ride. The park was huge, the large roller coasters could be seen from far away even, and although it was a nice day, it was just mediocrely full of people.

"Okay bitches whatever you do, if you dont go on a frikking roller coaster with me, you're boring and dumb as fuck" Chenle had a big grin on his face his smirking eyes hidden behind sunglasses. He had one hand on his hibs standing like a sassy aunt, judging everybody. He noted that Haechan, Jisung, Mark and Renjun were all nodding or at least smiling at him but as his eyes landed on Jaemin and Jeno, who were standing beside each other, looking into the distance or stealing weird glances at each other he chuckled internally. Jaemin was obviously in his introverted phase, which was nothing too unusual, he hid half of his face with a bucket hat and sunglasses and his lips were pursed either he was bored or upset, his black cathood tied over his chest like a cape and he was wearing black white mustered shorts. Jeno stood beside him, stealing glances looking awfully distant he was wearing a blue shirt and cargo pants. They were hiding something-

"Okay let's get going" Chenle said, clapping his hands together, tuning on his heels to get to the nearest roller coaster ride, wich was a water or ocean themed ride. The majority of it was in, like a tunnel with darkness and some illuminating "Animals". They were three seaters so Chenle made sure to be next to Jaemin and Jeno. And as they entered their little wagon, Chenle noticed that there was definitely something off. They didn't ignore each other, they just kept behaving like they were hiding something.

"Did you guys fight" Chenle decided to be forward, he hates mind games or beating around the bush. "No" the answer was immediate, coming from both mouths.

"Okay then why are you behaving like this?"

"I'm just tired and he ́s probably too, no big deal" Jaemin said as they all fastened their security belts. He rubbed his neck nervously. Okay so it must be something big, Chenle thought.

"Yeah, he... we are tired" Jeno said in a deep voice, putting his arm on Jaemins shoulder, the younger visibly relaxed at that. Okay so no fight, or else Jaemin would have reacted stiffly, Chenle thought.

The ride began and he had no time to further think about it because it was really interesting and he had to scream too much.

"Hell nah, I'm not doing this shit again" Chenle said as they were standing under the blue sky outside of the ride. Everybody, but he himself, had enjoyed it. Haechan laughed maniacally at him, saying that, this hadn't even been a real roller coaster, but Chnle only pouted.

"I liked it, I wanna do another one '' Jaemin said, shrugging, looking like an unbothered bitch with the sunglasses.

"I ́ll go with yo

u " Jeno said, turning on his heels and dragging Jaemin with him without anybody being able to join them.

"You're thinking what I'm thinking guys?" Chenle asked, looking after them, as they disappeared in another roller coaster.

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