Chapter Twelve

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When I woke up the next morning, I was curled up in Aleksander's bed, surrounded by his scent

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When I woke up the next morning, I was curled up in Aleksander's bed, surrounded by his scent. It felt so nice to be there. I shifted, snuggling deeper into his black pillow, a soft sigh leaving my lips.

"You're awake." I heard Aleksander's soft, gentle voice drift through the room and I closed my eyes again, curling up more around his pillow. I heard him chuckle, and felt the bed dip beside me. I opened my eyes, staring up at him as he tucked a piece of my black hair behind my ear. It had gone back to its natural color when I'd... died.

I actually died.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, looking me over.

"Better. Although I probably look like a hot mess," I admitted, slowly sitting up. Because of this, my body was inches away from his.

"You look just fine," Aleksander shook his head, and I smiled, embarrassed.

"I feel bad. I took your bed." I glanced over to see the papers that had been there last night were gone.

"I rarely sleep in it anyways." He shook his head, looking down, and I leaned closer to him.

"You should rest more." I told him softly, and he looked up at me, his eyes meeting mine. His eyes told me everything he didn't say.

I could see the worry and the fear, swirling chaotically like a tempest in his black eyes.

I leaned forward completely and laid my cheek on his shoulder. "Thank you for saving me." I whispered, wrapping my arm around his bare forearm and giving it a slight squeeze. I felt him kiss the top of my head and I closed my eyes, wishing I could bottle that feeling up and store it away for a sad day.

"Always." He whispered softly.

"I saw her." I admitted, lifting my head and staring deep into his eyes.


"My Mother. I think I was... there." He looked away, his jaw clenching. "I heard you." I added, and his head snapped to the side, his wide eyes meeting mine. "Shouting my name, I heard you, when I was there. Then she told me to wake up and... I did." I shrugged, my eyebrows furrowing with confusion as I tried to process exactly what I'd experienced.

He looked down at his hands in his lap, letting out a shaky breath. He took my hand in his, intertwining our fingers and lifting the back of my hand to his lips, kissing it gently. I closed my eyes, relishing the feeling that sparked under my skin.

He let go of my hand and moved closer to me, allowing my body to press up against his. I slung my legs over his, allowing them to dangle off the bed, half in his lap. I rested my head in the crook of his neck, seeking comfort in his embrace.

His left arm remained around my torso, his hand on my hip, while his right hand rested on my knee, his fingers slowly skating patterns across my skin.

It felt so intimate... and so right.

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