Chapter Thirty-Three

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Ketterdam was such a loud island city

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Ketterdam was such a loud island city. There was noise everywhere you turned.

Fixing the Hummingbird was an easy task for Maggie and I, especially with Maggie's extensive knowledge of the ship.

With Zoya's and my combined efforts, we were able to soar over the Fold safely and get back to the Volkvony.

With the efforts and hard work of the crew- mainly the squallors and Tidemakers- we were able to cut our travel time to Ketterdam in half, getting across the ocean in just three days.

Once close to shore, my hair was back to my signature red facade, and Tolya was leading Zoya and I through the bustling city to the Inn where a young boy said we could find the new big man of the city.

Apparently Kaz had just taken down Pekka Rollins a few days prior.

"Ooh," Tolya's gaze was distracted by street food, and Zoya and I both grabbed him.

"No," We said in unison.

We entered the Inn, and I spotted Kaz sitting at the bar, his back to us. I held my hand up, signaling for the two to stay back a little so I could talk to the crook alone.

"Well well well," I said slowly, and he froze in place. "If it isn't my third favorite crow." I teased, and Kaz slowly turned around to face me, his blue eyes meeting my own. I observed the various bruises on his face. "Miss me?" I asked with a grin, before producing the letter.

"What's this?" He asked warily.

"Oh, I know all about how you sold us out to Sturmhond, and don't worry, water under the bridge." I said, waving my free hand. "Turns out you sold us out to the second son of the Ravkan Royals, so we're all good. And to answer your question, this is a very good job offer." I added to the slightly confused man. "I suggest you gather up your crew, because you'll want to hear what we propose."

I noticed the woman sitting next to him watching this conversation unfold, looking between him and I. Obviously he was familiar to her, and she clearly knew who I was.

"What kind of job?" Kaz asked, taking the letter, but not opening it. My smile faded.

"The kind that saves the world and tears down the Fold. And yes, those are two separate things now." I said seriously, and he arched an eyebrow.

"You have a bigger problem than the Fold?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. Much, much bigger. I need your expertise. And before you say no, because I can see you're about to, I suggest you read the letter and reconsider. You know you love spending time with me." I added with a dazzling smile, before turning to the woman next to him. "And you are?" I asked politely.

"Nina Zenik," She introduced herself as I observed her. She wore a nice hat slightly crooked, reminded me of Jesper. She had long brown hair pinned up like a lady, clear blue eyes, and a dust of freckles across her face. I recognized her from the ship to Ketterdam. The one asking if Alina had actually died.

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