(TNL) ~ Unnoticed ~

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Msaada got home from patrol.

Msaada: Mother father I'm home.

Msaada looked around and saw his little sisters Bahati and Mzuri playing together and they didn't seem to notice him when they trampled at his feet enough to make him fall.

Msaada: Bahati! Mzuri! Where's mother and ...?

Mzuri: hahah! I GOTCHA BAHATI!

Bahati: You always win.

Msaada sighed of frustration and resisted the urge to growl. It always went this way ever since he joined the Lion Guard.  He always went unnoticed like he wasn't there plus when he tries to resolve the arguments of his team he always gets kicked to the side and Usiku doesn't blink an eye to see if he's okay.

Msaada: girls!

Bahati: Oh, Msaada! I didn't know you were here!

Msaada: Where are mother and father?

Bahati: they're up on the tree! They weee waiting for yo7 to come home so we could have dinner.

Msaada: Finally someone notices me.

Msaada jumped up on the tree.

Msaada: Hey mother! Hey father! I'm home!

They didn't notice. Or hear him. Msaada growled of frustration and kicked  the branch, and two coconuts fell down on them.

Nzuri: Ow! Oh Msaada, darling, we didn't know you were here!

Msaada: I... I was...I was literally right in front of you for the sake of Mufasa's great mane!

Kiume: You're here now, so let's have dinner. Bahati! Mzuri!

The girls jumped up and they went to eating. Msaada thought about how unnoticeable he was at both the Lion Guard and his family. He thought about how he was kicked to the side when he tried to solve an argument and Usiku didn't check to make sure he was okay. Instead she ignored the arguments and the little fact that he was kicked to the sidelines everyday.

They should get better, Msaada thought, They can't not notice me forever,  right? So I'm just gonna hang on as long as I can and if I still go unnoticed I'll run away from the Pride Lands.

When they were done eating, Msaada went to the Lion Guard Lair, where no one else was. Msaada sighed and looked down into the pond below.

Msaada had no purpose; Why did Usiku choose him to be on
the team when he had no purpose? He was just a serval minding his own business when he was accepted into the team.

Msaada: 🎵Guess we all are born with parts to play
Some of us are stars, and some are just in the way
I know I was meant for glory
But that's never what my story brings
And yet I keep on waiting🎵

🎵When you have the passion and the drive
You expect your moment center stage to arrive
I show up with heart a blazing
Ready to achieve amazing things
But I'm left waiting in the wings🎵

🎵I hear my cue
And yet I'm kept there, waiting
Know what to do
Yet I still stand there, waiting
It's always someone else who sings
While I'm left waiting in the wings🎵

🎵And so I keep on keeping on
My chances come and then I blink and they're gone
Always overlooked unfairly
While pretending that it barely stings
But it stings,oh yes, it stings🎵

🎵And I'll shed no tears
I'll only keep on waiting
If no one cheers
Well, then I can keep on waiting
Who cares how loud
The silence rings
You'll find me waiting in the wings🎵

Msaada sighed and went into his belly.

Msaada: Why am I in the Lion Guard...?

Usiku: Msaada!

Msaada: O-Oh, h-hey Usiku!

He swallowed any of his doubts and turned to face his leader

Usiku: Doa is taking us somewhere. Wanna come?

Msaada: Sure. If it doesn't mean I'll get kicked to the side again...

Usiku: What was that.

Msaada: Nothing! Nothing! Nothing, just forget it.

Usiku: O-Oh.... Okay.

She wondered what was wrong with her friend.





OMG !!

Alright everyone please have a good day love you all 😁

The Night Lioness part 3 Where stories live. Discover now