(TNL) ~ We Told You To Wait!! ~

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Once Asani, Usiku, and Kijani got back, Crystal ran up to Asani.

Crystal: We told you to wait!!

Asani: Sorry, but, uh, I got Usiku back! And someone else back too!

Mfalme: Who's that?

Kovu froze once he saw Kijani,and the lioness froze when she saw him.

Kovu: Kija? Is that you?

Kijani: Kovu? I haven't seen you in...forever!

Mfalme: HUH?!

Usiku: Apparently, she's....our aunt.

Mfalme and Mkali were frozen.

Kovu: Kija meet my Queen, Kiara, and my cubs Usiku, Mfalme, and Mkali.

Kijani: Very nice to meet you.

Mfalme and Mkali: You too!

Kiara: Nice to meet you Kijani, you already met Usiku I see also Usiku the girls have something they want to say to you in the Lion Guard Lair. They'll catch you up.

Usiku: ?

Usiku went to the lair, and met with everyone. They ran up and hugged her.

Amani: Usiku!! We're so sorry!!

Shanti: we didn't mean to!!!

Doa: We were horrible friends!!

Alfajiri: We understand if you don't wanna be with us anymore but we're so sorry we got you possessed!!

Usiku: Girls! I never said I never wanted to be with you again! You were my first friends and the pushes I needed to realize I wasn't an outcast and you led up to the event of my mom and dad and Mfalme and Mkali loving me, I owe a lot to all of you and without you I felt so broken. You guys are my world. Each and everyone of you. Shanti you are brave and kind. You would help anyone who needed it and your loyal. Same to you Amani, you may be a "girl" but you are strong in your own way. Alfajiri you help us out a lot of times, your our eye in the sky, we wouldn't be the same without you. Same to you Doa, you are fast and strong, you can be hotheaded but I like that part about you. Nyeusi you are sneaky and clever. You're so smart and cunning.  The Pride lands wouldn't be the same without you girls. I wouldn't be the same without you all. I love you.

All: we love you too Usiku

They hugged each other.

Usiku: if Msaada was here... I'd say he's Kind, Smart, and Loyal to us and his family.

Amani: Speaking of which— has anyone told his family?

Then they stayed quiet, and looked at each other.

All: oh no


Usiku came over to the serval's forest

Nzuri: Princess Usiku! Have you seen our son?

Kiume: he hasn't come home for a while! He went on the morning patrol one day and was never to be seen again! We thought he was with you but it seems like you don't know where he is either?

Usiku glanced at Mzuri and Bahati, who were looking at her with big eyes.

Bahati: I miss those times when we trampled at his feet and he fell. He always managed to bring a smile to my face.

Mzuri: Yes Usiku! Please, where is our brother?

Usiku sighed

Usiku:  I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. serval but your son has joined Scar.

Nzuri and Kiume gasped

Kiume: Why in the world would he join a mad lion like Scar?

Usiku thought about this, and realized, having all the flashbacks of the girls kicking him into the sand, he complaining that he was unnoticed while she merely groomed herself,  and the fact that Msaada was probably very eager to get out of the unnoticed son life to move on to the life where he would have a lot of friends, but the girls haven't been great friends to him and Usiku realized that now.

Usiku: How have you been treating your son?

Nzuri: With the best of the best treatments your highness!

Usiku: How do you think you really treated him?

Nzuri paused,and so did Kiume.

Kiume: Well... we haven't been noticing him lately and... we've been neglecting spending time with him...

Nzuri: And.. and we treated him badly over the years, which made him leave us 8 hours of the day .. oh my gosh! Kiume!

Kiume: Nzuri Do you think ...

Nzuri:That our Msaada betrayed the Circle of Life because of us? We're horrible parents!!

Usiku: There's still time to make it right.

Nzuri: if you say so princess.

Usiku: Follow me. Mother would like to talk to you. Same to you Mzuri and Bahati.

Mzuri and Bahati: Oki Princess!

Nzuri paused before catching up to her family, and glanced at Usiku.

Nzuri: Do you think my precious son would give me the second chance of being a mother?

Usiku: Deep down inside Msaada knows what he's doing is wrong. I know it. The spy Mwezi is on the case, but for now, we just have to wait to hear from her.

Nzuri: Are you sure we can trust Mwezi?

Usiku: She's my friend's sister. If Nyeusi says we can trust her I believe her.

Nzuri: Anything to get my precious son back.

Nzuri walked away. Usiku walked after them.

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