(TNL) ~ Arguments ~

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The girls are alone in the Lion Guard Lair, thinking about the loss of their friend, who had turned to the side of evil and hatred so suddenly. Unbeknown to them, a certain serval was watching the girls sit around being miserable.

Until, one of them spoke up.

Shanti: I bet it was Usiku's fault.

This got the Fiercest's attention.

Usiku: Me?!

Shanti: YOU were the one that never checked up on him in the first place!

Usiku: YOU were the one who kicked him!

Amani: excuse me!?

Doa: You did not just say that!

Alfajiri: Ahem! We were the best of friends to Msaada!

Msaada growled at the keenest of sight's blindness to what they have been actually treating him as.

Nyeusi: Girls! Maybe we weren't. Maybe we-

Usiku: Shut up Nyeusi! You aren't the leader here!

Nyeusi: I'm sorry your highness it's because of me you're not still possessed!

Usiku: It was because you taunted me in the first place that I was possessed!

Msaada's light yellow eyes widened in disbelief.


Amani: It was because of you Msaada betrayed us and now we don't have a Smartest anymore!! What leader! Hmph!

Usiku: You wanna try dealing with everyone, chocolate bar?!

Amani: EXCUSE ME?!

Alfajiri: I wish I never met any of you!

Shanti: Same here!

Doa: Well I wish I never met you girls!

Usiku: I never want to see any of you EVER AGAIN!!

Amani: FINE


Shanti: I'D LIKE THAT!!

Alfajiri: I HATE ALL OF YOU!!!


All: AGREED!! 

The girls went their separate ways and soon only Msaada was left in the Lion Guard lair. Any words to say were caught in the serval's throat as he went pale.

Then a jackal named Wajanja a member of scar's army meaning Clever came up to Msaada.

Wajanja: Cat got your tongue?

Msaada: I...I didn't... i didn't want the girls to fight! T-their power of friendship was strong! And... the only reason I betrayed them is because they didn't include me in it but now...

He said all of those words very fast. In fact Wajanja was starting to worry about the serval next to her as he was paler than usual and closed his eyes very tightly, as if he has just watched a horror movie.

Wajanja has always had a soft spot for Msaada, she let him sleep with the jackals, she let him have any scraps of meat the jackals got from the Pride Lands, and to see him horrified like this... it made her feel stabbed.

Wajanja: Hey kid... it's fine, it's over. It's over. It's all over.

Msaada sighed

Msaada: l-Let's go...

Msaada walked off,with Wajanja following behind. But unbeknownst to them, Msaada's lion Guard mark showed up, but it was blurry and faded.

The Night Lioness part 3 Where stories live. Discover now