(TNL) ~ Individual Challenges part 2 ~

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Mkali went to the girls and got them all assembled again. They weren't happy.

Amani: Why are we back together?

Shanti: Where's Usiku? Surely you would've brought your sister...

Mkali:that's why I brung you all here... She is possessed. And it's because you disassembled and Asani broke up with her.

Alfajiri: What?

Doa: No...

Amani: A 3rd time?

Nyeusi glanced at them in confusion, as she wasn't a Pride Lander back when Usiku was first possessed, but said nothing.

Nyeusi: I can't believe it, Usiku is possessed again, Usiku was possessed once! And this makes it twice.

Amani: She was possessed thrice. Three times was she possessed.

Nyeusi: Oh...

Doa: I feel so bad.... I feel like a bad friend....

Alfajiri: Me too... I... I'm ashamed of myself...

Amani: It wasn't her fault that Msaada betrayed us... it was our fault... we kicked him to the sidelines and we didn't know how his family treated him...

Mkali: We can make this right girls... you have to become the Lion Guard again. Please, the Pride Lands need you. All of you.

They paused, and thought about it. After several mental debates, they came to a conclusion.

All: I'm in!

Mkali smiled.

The Night Lioness part 3 Where stories live. Discover now