(TNL) ~ Finale ~

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Oh, my gosh. I am not ready for this series to end. I had so much fun writing The Night Lioness. But then again— all good things have to come to an end. Thank you to everyone who read this. Now for the finale:


After Scar was gone, everyone settled down. The Guard didn't have many major missions, so that's always a good thing, but they do see each other. Usiku finally married Asani, who would become her lifelong mate for as long as she lived, and learned more about the Night Roar from Crystal, and mastered it, but only uses it wisely, and rarely, like she does the Roar of the Elders, but much more so. Kiara and Kovu passed away of old age, and Mkali was betrothed to a lion who deserved her named Furaha, who was a great husband to her. Mfalme and Nyeusi didn't have a very healthy relationship, but they always came out of the arguments well.Mwezi and Nadra didn't have a healthy relationship either but they always found a way to resolve. Amani moved to the Tree of Life, where she discovered she was the lost daughter of the healer Nirmala, and married to an asiatic lion named Fahari. Shanti and Asali married each other, and went to live a luxurious life elsewhere. In fact, most of the Lion Guard went their separate ways, as Doa left with Amani to the Tree of Life to live with her parents Fuli and Azaad after what seemed like a millennia of being apart. Msaada went to find his own destiny, what he was destined to be, and found his own way, and met lots of friends. Alfajiri meet Msafiri again, and they married and had chicks. In a way, everyone found out exactly who they were meant to be.


3 years after the incident, the friends have surely went their separate ways. Never to see or hear from each other again. Usiku, just waking up from a good night's sleep, saw two cubs in front of her.

???: Mommy! Your awake!

????: How awe you Momma?

Usiku: I'm fine dears. Where's your elder brother & Father?

???: Dada is somewhewe else wight now.

????: Yeah! And brother is with his friend Rajah!

Usiku smiled

Usiku: Well dears, tell your father and Kai to be ready— I'm going to be out hunting for breakfast.

???: Ooh! Aina! Do you think mommy will hunt a juicy gazelle?

Aina: Oh, I hope so Dhahabu, those gazelles are so juicy!!

Usiku: Dhahabu, Aina, you know Kai doesn't like gazelles, and neither does Asani, I'm going to hunt MY favorite, what you all like.

Aina and Dhahabu gasped

Aina and Dhahabu: A wildebeest?!?

Usiku giggled

Usiku: Yes. It is our favorite. Let me know when your father and/or Kai gets back.

Aina and Dhahabu: We will!!!!

Usiku walked off, taking a deep breath of fresh air,as she saw Mwezi and Nadra's adoptive daughter, Mwanga, (meaning light in Swahili) running towards her.

Mwanga: Auntie Usiku!!! Auntie Usiku!!!

???: Mwanga!! Wait up!!

Usiku saw Nadra come up to her

Nadra: Sorry for the rush Usiku, but I have to get back home before Mwezi notices I took Nadra out or she'll have my head.

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