(TNL) ~ Receiving Bad News ~

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Kiara: Is it true? Our daughter is possessed?

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Kiara: Is it true? Our daughter is possessed?

Mwezi: I'm afraid so, your majesty. she was possessed by Kijani this time, not Scar.Me and King Kovu know all about her.

Kovu: Yes we do. Kijani was created by Scar as an heir. But she was thrown to the side when I was born, and she was enraged, almost destroying the Pride Lands more than it had already been at the time, but the Great Lions of the Past sent her to the Spiritual World, where she would be punished for eternity.

Mwezi: But she seemed to have gotten into Usiku's body, bringing her out of the Spiritual World. Scar told me she was powered by pain and negativity, but what could happen to her that was so bad she got possessed?

Then Asani realized, and his ears went flat.

Asani: It's my fault...

Crystal: Pardon? What did you say?

Asani: it's my fault. I broke up with her and I was fixing to tell her that my parents let me stay here... but I saw her possessed by Kijani and—

Mfalme: Woah!dude! We don't want you to have a panic attack. Slow down.

Asani: I broke up with Usiku. I told her I was leaving her, and- she- it's my fault. I am the reason Usiku was possessed and it wasn't an illusion this time and ..

Mwezi: Dude! Calm down! We'll get your girl back!

Mfalme: Yeah. We have to get her back. She's my sister after all. And your girlfriend.

Crystal: And we won't stop til we do.

Asani: Thanks guys.

Mwezi, Mfalme, and Crystal: Your welcome Asani.

Kiara smiled

Kiara: Please get my daughter back.

Asani: We will. I promise.

Kovu and Kiara smiled

Asani: But first things first we need to get the Guard back together. I mean 3 lions and 1 Panther won't exactly fix things up.

Kiara: But how do we get them back? They hate each other. Not to mention Msaada betrayed the Circle of Life.

Mwezi: I think I can get him back... He still thinks I'm part of Scar's army.

Crystal:  Question is, would you do it? If we all know you, and we absolutely know you, you could betray us and double cross us in five seconds flat. You're probably thinking of 17 ways to betray us right now.

Mwezi: what am I gonna have to do to get you guys to trust me?!

Crystal: Not try to terrorize our friend.

Mwezi: 🤨

Kiara: No, Mwezi is right. Mwezi. Would you be loyal enough to be our spy in Scar's army?

Mwezi: I swear on every single Great Kings' manes I will be loyal to the cause and externally and internally grateful for this privilege.

Mfalme: thankfully, loyalty seems to run in the family.

Mwezi: You got it. But what about my sister and the girls?

Mkali: (having just showed up) I'll take care of them.

Mwezi: then everything is all set—

Zazu:Your majesty!! Queen nala has been kidnapped!

Kiara: What?

Mwezi: Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse. I'd have to be face to face with an old lady.

Zazu: That "Old lady" mind you is the Queen Nala, who is in her elderly years and if they do anything to her she's done for! You better save her and not do anything to her young lady!

Crystal: See? Even the featherbrain doesn't trust her!

Mwezi: Note to self— Pride Landers are stubborn hotheads who hold grudges.

Zazu and Crystal: ?!

Mwezi already crept out of Pride Rock

Crystal: Creepy girl. I don't like her.

Zazu: I'll have to agree with you on that young cub.

The Night Lioness part 3 Where stories live. Discover now