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Asani came home, with his ears drooped and his head low. His sister Sundara noticed her gloomy brother.

Sundara: Hey Bro! What's up?

Asani: Besides breaking up with the lioness that was my world and everything I'm just peachy.

Their mom Sundar looked at Asani.

Sundar: Asani... How old are you?

Asani: Um, mother, I'm 14 years old (they age like humans)

Sundar: 14... and does this lioness make you happy?

Asani: Very, mother.

Sundar: Would you stay with her if you had the chance?

Asani: Yes I absolutely would. She is my everything! My world! She is the Circle of Life to me! Why?

Sundar: Pyaar, please explain.

Pyaar: Me and your mother had a private conversation, yes it was about moving but it was also about you, Son, you are your own lion now, you can stay in the Pride Lands and with the Lioness that makes you happy, or you can come with us to the Back Lands and we can find you a lioness to be betrothed to. What do you say?

Asani: You're really letting me stay in the Pride Lands?! But what about you all?!

Pyaar: Your staying. We're going. Me and Sundara and Mother. What do you say?

Asani thought about it

Asani: YES! I will stay here! Thank you so much, Father!

Asani ran off into the fields. Pyaar, Sundara, and Sundar exchanged glances, all proud of their son (and brother) and wondering what future he has ahead of him with the Princess of the Pride Lands.

The Night Lioness part 3 Where stories live. Discover now