(TNL) ~ Surprise, Surprise ~

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Asani ran across the Pride lands, racing to find Usiku. But when he tracked her scent... he saw a green lioness.

 he saw a green lioness

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Asani: Who are you?

???: It's me Usiku... but then again... it's not...

Asani: Your confusing me.. what's going on?

???: I am Kijani! And I took over your "darling"'s body! Hahahaha!

Asani: U-Usiku?! Let her go Scar!

Kijani: Scar? I told you, I am... KIJANI!

Asani: I know this isn't you Usiku. Scar has to be intertwined into this somehow.

Kijani: Funny story. Scar created me. I am Kijani. Kijani was created by Scar.

Asani: Knew it! Let her go Kijani!

Kijani: Or else what?

Asani: Or else I'll have backup here!

Kijani: The "Girls" disbanded remember? They hate each other and they can't be around each other while arguing! Plus Msaada betrayed them!

Asani: Oh... I don't mean that. Now let her go!

Kijani: You and what army?

Asani: This army!

Mwezi, Crystal, and Mfalme jumped out of the shadows. Kijani was quite surprised at this and looked around, making sure that she wasn't surrounded.

Crystal: Kijani! You creature! You corrupted an innocent being!

Mfalme: Let go of my sister!

Mwezi: She may be the Lion Guard's Fiercest, but she is the Pride lands' defender, so let her go demon!

Asani: Your outnumbered Kijani! Let Usiku go! Now!!

Kijani: Let me think about it - NO!

Kijani ran away.

Asani: Thanks for coming guys.

Mfalme: No prob! About time we got into action! The Paw Four!  Grrr!!

Crystal and Mwezi glanced at each other, rolling their eyes.

Mwezi: Yeah. More like the dumb four.

Mfalme: Yeah! Wait...

Mfalme exchanged glances with his future sister-in-law, who sent a smug smirk at him.

Crystal: Asani are you sure we would make a good replacement for Usiku's Lion Guard? It just started out as a game between you and Mfalme now you added me and... this girl!

Mwezi: My name's Mwezi.

Mfalme: Mwezi is my future sister in law. Whether I like it or not, Ms. Sassypants here is my family.

Mwezi: What's with the offensive nicknames today?! 

Mfalme sent her a smug smirk. Mwezi sent him a look that shut him up.

Crystal: Ladies! Ladies! You're all pretty! Now shut up! We gotta figure out how to get Usiku back...and tell her family.

All: (except Mwezi) Not it!

Mwezi: Not- OH COME ON!

The Panther grumbled as the three lions laughed. Then they departed for Pride Rock.

The Night Lioness part 3 Where stories live. Discover now