Christmas Special

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I thought I'd do a Christmas Special, cause why not?

I thought I'd do a Christmas Special, cause why not?~~~~

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Usiku: Hey, guys! I'm here!

When the girls and Msaada saw her, Doa deadpanned

Doa: You got kicked out, didn't you?

Usiku: No!

Msaada: You leave Usiku alone, Doa! You know how Usiku gets whenever you ask that!

Msaada childishly chuckled

Usiku: I just thought I'd hang out with the girls, you guys.

Msaada: Ahem? I think we all know what happened last time you didn't include me in there!

Usiku: Sorry, Msaada!

Doa: She totally got kicked out.

Usiku: I did not!!

Amani: (chuckle) Oh no! Doa! You unlocked the skill, "Make Usiku Have Anger Issues Every Christmas!"

Usiku: (growls) Hey!!

Amani laughed.

Alfajiri: All jokes aside we're glad you're here Usiku.Kicked out, or not.

Asani: Hey, Usiku, can I talk to you?

Nyeusi: Ooh~! Date night!

Usiku: (angrily) Shut up Nyeusi! Sure, we can talk Asani!

Asani: Great!

5 hours later

Asani: We're here.

Usiku was awestruck because Asani brought her to Hakuna Matata night!

Asani: I asked Timon and Pumbaa if I could use it, and they said sure.

Usiku: Amazing! What did you want to talk to me about Asani?

Asani: Right, that, uh... Ahem- uh... Usiku, when I met you, you were very shy and sweet, you may have gotten your whole team injured on the first day, but you turned out to be an amazing leader, anyone of them will follow your orders without question. Before, you were shy, but now? You may have just been the bravest girl I've ever met... so let me ask you this... Usiku, will you marry me?

Usiku: (shocked) YES! Yes I will marry you Asani!

Asani: Really?

Usiku: Yes!(hugs him)

The two separated after a while of hanging out.

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