(TNL) ~ Something They Shouldn't Have Done ~

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It was another typical patrol day. Amani and Shanti were arguing, Doa was running away like usual, Alfajiri was causing the arguments but Nyeusi and Msaada weren't arguing.

Msaada tried to talk to Amani and shanti.

Msaada: C'mon girls, you both know you're both pretty and no one is better than the other, so-

Then Shanti accidentally kicked him to the side.

Msaada: Gah!

He growled and sat up. Usiku actually noticed her friend's frustration and ran to check if he was okay.

Usiku: Msaada are you....

Msaada: Okay?! No I'm not okay! I just got kicked to the SIDELINES! Just like I did every other day! You think I'm okay?!

Usiku: Sorry about them. You know they always do that.

Msaada: You never checked to see if I was okay before! And now you do!? You know what, I quit!

This caught the girls' attention as they were shocked.

Usiku: Msaada you can't quit you're the smartest.

Msaada: Uh-huh...

Usiku: You have a duty to the Pride Lands.

Msaada: Shut up Usiku! You girls ALWAYS throw me into the sidelines just like my family and you can forget about ever becoming my friend ever again cause I am done with all of you! I QUIT!

Msaada starts running away. Usiku glanced at the guard and ran after her friend.

(You may see this song more than once)

Usiku: Msaada! Wait!

Msaada jumped on top of a rock but when Usiku called out his name he tried to ignore but when she did it again he stopped himself from jumping onto the rock.

Usiku: Msaada!

Usiku jumped onto the rock below his.

Usiku: 🎵This has to stop now
Whatever it is that you're going through
We'll fix it together, me and you
Just like we've always done🎵

Msaada growled

Msaada: No!! 🎵This has to stop now
This thing where you think that you've been my friend
And don't even hear how you condescend
The way you've always done🎵

Usiku sighed as Msaada looked away from her.

Usiku: 🎵Msaada, listen (I'm listening)
I know it isn't true (isn't it?)
Just look into my eyes now (well?)
I know you feel it too(perhaps I do)🎵

Msaada looked at her with fear in his eyes as she jumped onto his rock

Usiku: 🎵Msaada, listen (I'm listening)
I swear it's not too late
So before another line gets crossed
And everything we've had is lost
Just wait🎵

Msaada: Wait? 🎵No I won't wait!🎵

Usiku: MSAADA!

Msaada kicked some dirt into her face, which blinded her and he jumped onto the surface, where he was greeted by a field of luxurious greenery.

Msaada: 🎵There's a line between the winners and the losers
There's a line between the chosen and the rest
And I've done the best I could
But I've always known just where we stood
Me here with the luckless
You there with the blessed🎵

Usiku's eyes widened at the hurtful statements of who she thought was her friend.

🎵And that line between the beggars and the choosers
Was a line you've never let me quite ignore
How I've tried to jump that great divide
But I've never got the chances you were given🎵

🎵You don't know how much I've been DENIED
Well I'm not being patient anymore🎵

He splashed a reflection of him and the Guard hanging out like old friends

🎵I'm crossing the line!
And I'm done holding back!
So look out, clear the track, it's my turn!
I'm taking what's mine!🎵

🎵Every drop, every smidge
If I'm burning a bridge
Let it burn
But I'm crossing the line🎵

🎵And for us if we're over that's fine🎵


🎵I'm crossing the line🎵

Msaada vanished from her sight. Usiku looked at the group and shook her head, signaling to the girls that he wasn't coming back.

The Night Lioness part 3 Where stories live. Discover now