(TNL) ~ Individual Challenges ~

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Mwezi arrived at the Out Lands,and sat next to Msaada.

Mwezi: You think Scar has actually got a creative plan for the queen Nala killing?

Msaada: I don't know. As long as he doesn't say "long live the king and/or queen" I think I can tolerate whatever plan he has.

Mwezi giggled

Mwezi: What do you think your fam is doin' right now?

Msaada tensed.

Msaada: Um... m-my "fam?"

Mwezi: You were the smartest in the Lion Guard, right? Unless you were unworthy of that position.

Msaada: I was chosen for a reason!

Mwezi: If I remember correctly... you didn't know why. And if I recall Usiku treated you like a friend and teammate but you were kicked off to the side by Amani and Shanti, and that's what made you to become evil. Did you join Scar for no reason at all?

Msaada paused, and tensed up.

Msaada: Uhm... S-Shut up Mwezi!

Mwezi: Nope, you betrayed your family — Nzuri, Kiume, Bahati, and Mzuri I think their names were — and the girls — Usiku, Nyeusi, Amani, Shanti, Doa, and Alfajiri — for no reason at all. You were happy beyond words and very eager to join the Guard but you betrayed them thinking that they weren't your friends. But they were, they miss you Msaada.

Msaada: T-They do?

Mwezi nodded. Msaada's eyes widened in horror as the young serval looked downwards.

Mwezi: They miss you Msaada. Go back to them. I'm sure they'll forgive you. The girls are too kind and caring to not forgive you.

Msaada: I...I'll think about it....

Mwezi smiled.

The Night Lioness part 3 Where stories live. Discover now