"On behalf of Korean Air and the entire crew, I would like to thank you for choosing to fly with us today. We hope you have enjoyed your flight and look forward to seeing you on board again soon. If you have any questions or require assistance upon arrival, please don't hesitate to ask one of our friendly crew members. Have a great day and welcome to Seoul."
"Here is your coffee captain" Seorang pramugari menghulurkan secawan kopi kepada juruterbang dan pembantunya. "She is beautiful bro" ucap pembantunya sambil tersenyum. "Im not interested" balasnya sambil tersenyum.
"Cabin crew, prepare for landing"
"Captain Adam Hariss bin Malieq" Adam menoleh ke belakang. "Heyyy Captain Daniyal Harith bin Iskandar" sahut Adam.
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Jung Jaehyun as Adam Hariss
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Mark Lee as Daniyal Harith
"Last flight for today?" tanya Daniyal. Adam mengangguk. "Back home or?" tanya Daniyal. "Home" jawab Adam. "Heyyy you so boring.. lets go to that cafe.. im hungry right now" ajak Daniyal. Adam mengangguk. Mereka berdua berjalan menuju ke sebuah cafe yang terletak di dalam airport itu.
"Another flight?" tanya Adam. Daniyal mengangguk. "I hate night flight but what can i do.. this is the only job that i had" jawab Daniyal sambil menghirup kopinya. "Everyone hate night flight Daniyal.. you cant see the view and also its a bit cold inside the cockpit" balas Adam. "I heard that our CEO will choose 1 pilot among us to become personal pilot for this 1 royal family.. that choosen person will only work for that royal family.. he or she will be apart from us.. i mean different from all of us.. he or she will become royal personal pilot" jelas Daniyal. Adam mengangguk. "I hope that its not me" ucap Adam. "Why?" tanya Daniyal. "You serve for them and you only work with them? I need my privacy time tho.." jawab Adam. Daniyal terdiam.