Chapter 7- Selfish Fantasies

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Chapter 7

                                                         ~ Evelyn~

II woke up to light streaming through my window—a window and a room I didn't recognize. A knock at the door prompted me to rise. As my feet touched the floor, my head throbbed with intense pressure, causing me to wince in pain.

"Hey baby, I got us some coffee," Dean announced as he entered, prompting a confused glance from me. "You look tired," he observed with a smile, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Dean? What are you doing here—Jennie... where's Jennie?" I asked, panic rising. Stepping out of the room, I found myself in a house, a serene old house, nothing like the city. I froze. "Dean?" My heart skipped a beat at the sound of a baby crying.

"Shoot, I must have woken Caleb up," Dean said, hurrying out of the room, and I followed. Family photos adorned the walls, showing Dean, me, three girls, and a baby boy—Caleb. I continued toward the sound of Dean's laughter as the little boy bounced in his crib, eager to be lifted out. The nursery was dinosaur-themed.

"Mama," the little boy uttered, alternating between speaking and managing his pacifier.

"What time is it?... The girls need to get to school," Dean remarked, lifting the baby and passing him to me. I paused, looking at Dean.

"Elle, what's wrong with you this morning?" he asked before entrusting me with Caleb. Holding him brought an instant sense of comfort. Dean exited, leaving Caleb and me alone. The baby gazed at me, expectant.

"Hey mommy, can you braid my hair after you feed Caleb?" a little girl's voice called from down the hall. Right, I needed to feed him.

"So, how do I—" I hesitated, it had been a while since I'd cared for a baby.

"Here, I'll take him," Dean offered, entering the room. I smiled as he gently took Caleb. "Hey there, big boy," Dean cooed, tickling Caleb's stomach, eliciting coos in response, which melted my heart.

"Mommy!" a little girl yelled again making me follow the voice, i went into the open door, that led to a bathroom. And it was jennie. I smiled once i saw her

"Can you braid my hair, mom?" she asked, making me nod, ignoring the fact that she called me mom. I started to braid her hair before another little girl came in. slightly smaller than jennie.

"Hi hi mommy" the little girl spoke

"Get out Lina" Jennie told the little girl i know is Lina. My daughter. And Lina stook her tongue out at Jennie. Just as i finished the braid.

""All set," I say with a smile, prompting Jennie to hop off her stool and exit the bathroom with Lina. Gazing at my reflection, I notice the cleanliness, the blonde hair as if meticulously maintained. My hair is washed, and my eyes are free of fear or trauma. No scars or dried blood. The sound of music plays, bringing a smile to my face; it's been a while since I've heard music.

Exiting the bathroom, I enter the kitchen where Dean is serving eggs onto the girls' plates, a towel draped over his shoulder, humming to the tune.

"Hey, Ellie," Dean greets me with a smile. "Did you wake up Evie?" His question confuses me, but then I realize he must be referring to the youngest daughter. Before I can respond, a little girl wanders in, her sippy cup and blanket trailing behind her, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"There's my baby girl," Dean says, his smile broadening as he walks over and lifts her into his arms, her binky in her mouth. "Did you sleep well?" he asks, setting her sippy cup on the counter. She wraps her arms around him, eliciting a chuckle as he holds her close. His eyes meet mine, and he smiles. I return the smile, momentarily forgetting the oddity of the situation. Where's Ryder? Or Kylen? Or anyone else? The last I remember, I didn't have any children, this house, or this life.

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