chapter 10- I Failed Them

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chapter 10

I moved the vending machine over the door, making Ryder help me.

"Come on" he said, pulling me with him. but i moved my hand away from him. We went to everyone and they all were afraid.

"Are you okay?" Lydia whispered holding her stomach. What was i doing? I lead that thing in here with a pregnant woman and my family. People i care about. I grabbed my stuff making everyone look at me.

"I have to draw it out" i state as i break a window and lay a blanket over the broken glass.

"Here, I've been working on these," Lionel says, handing me two bottles with towels protruding from them. I look at him, puzzled. "Molotov cocktails, use them wisely," he advises, prompting a nod from me. I climb out of the window, and he adds, "When you're ready, light and throw," as he hands me a lighter. I take it and sling the bag over my shoulder; it contains maybe two days' worth of food, some extra knives, and ammo.

"Thank you," I say, gaining a nod from him.

"Wait, you can't go, Ellie, it's not safe. Let me come with—" Carrie starts, but I cut her off with a look.

"I have to find them... You guys need to stay here where it's safe... I promise I'll be back the moment I find them," I assure them, fully aware that I might not be able to keep that promise, but they needed hope.

"Be careful" Lydia said softly as she kept a strong hold on Ryder, he just looked at me. I stared for a moment before making me gaze go back to Lydia and give her a soft smile, I left quietly making my way through the back of the police station. I heard the monster's claws hit the pavement as i hid behind the wall. My breathing got heavy as my fear i was trying to hide, came out.

I felt a hand touch me making me almost scream before they covered my mouth.

I looked to see Ryder. I made a noise in his hand showing him i was mad. He didn't let go till he knew it was okay, once he lifted his hand i slapped it away.

"Go back" i whisper in a yell. Making him shake his head "Ryder please" i pleaded

"Im not letting you die" he said making me sigh. 

"i don't want you here, go!" i whispered angrily at him making him shake his head once again not caring about any word i was saying.

"Ryder, I swear, go back," I say, growing angry, which only makes him treat me the same way.

"You can live your life the way you want to..." he says, prompting me to look at him, "...but that doesn't mean you get to dictate mine as well," he finishes, causing me to look down. He's right. Ryder wants to do this, and I need all the help I can get. Lydia is safe with Carrie... I know she is.

"Okay," I whisper before nodding, "okay." I know this is a bad idea, but here I am, continuing.

"Let's take the truck," Ryder suggests, making me look at him.

"We can't. How else would they get back, or get out?" I counter, making him consider my point.

"We're coming back, Elle. They have everything they need, plus another truck. We can't stretch this out without a loud distraction," he stated, prompting me to nod in agreement; he was right once more. We moved quietly towards the truck. There was no sign of the monster. I opened the door, cringing at the squeak it made. I stopped and looked at Ryder. He nodded at me. Chills ran down my spine as I took a deep breath. I continued to open the door, this time more quickly.

"Ellie!" I heard my name, causing me to panic. I followed the voice to see my dad. What the hell?

"No," I whispered loudly. I moved toward my dad. He had a gun in his hand.

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