chapter 12- Southern Twist

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chapter 12

"You shouldn't be'll never get out" she whispered as tears filled her eyes. I looked at her confused "please take your boyfriend and leave.... before-" she got cut off from betty.

"Kacy darling, i told you to stay inside....the sun is getting to your head again" betty spoke making Kacy put her head down.

"Sorry mama" Kacy looked back at me, and gave me a sad look before sighing, she walked back inside, and Betty smiled at me.

"Don't mind her....., poor soul lost her daughter. She hasn't been the same" betty softy touched my back to move me inside. I followed her "come on now, storms coming" she spoke, making me look up to see dark clouds forming. As soft sounds of thunder filled the sky. Once we walked inside i saw Ryder, he ran a towel over his wet hair before placing it with my towel in a basket. I couldn't help but stare before he caught my eye. I looked away quickly.

"My husband, Andy is coming home with supper" betty told us, making me look at Ryder than back at her.

"We really can't stay" i say making betty smile.

"There's a storm coming, its not safe. I'd never live it down if i let you two go off into danger on an empty stomach. Please stay and you can leave first thing in the morning" she begged, making me and Ryder share a look. Maybe she wasn't strange, maybe she was just lonely.


I sat next to the window in the comfortable window seat, something id like in a house if i ever got to choose. I placed my hand under my chin for some comfort. Softly looking at the dark clouds move in and sounds of thunder fill the sky.

"Care if i join you?" Ryder asked me making me jump a bit before nodding. I felt the other side of the seat fall as he sat. we sat there in silence for awhile before he spoke.

"Im sorry about your dad" Ryder said making me look at him. "Your life hasn't been easy, but somehow you still stay strong" he stated making me sigh.

"Im not strong, its an act" i say making him shake his head

"No ellie, its not" he spoke softy to me making me give him a sad smile. Never would i thought ryder and i would be sitting here in a farm house, once again. The door opened revealing a big man, I sat up as the man entered the house, he stopped when he saw me.

"The hell, betty....i told you no more people" he spoke making ryder stand up with me. Ryder put a protective arm over me, keeping me behind him.

"Oh andy....they are leaving in the morning" betty spoke looking at us with a smile

"I got dinner" he spoke making betty leave with him. Once they left, Ryder turned to look at me. I crossed my arms trying to find comfort.

"What are you thinking?" he asked, looking at me. But i couldn't look at him. My mind was racing. I got a bad feeling, but i don't want to be wrong and miss out on these good peoples help.

"I dont know" i say honestly, making ryder put his hands on my arms, making me look at him. He looked me in the eyes. Giving me a soft look.

"You say the word, and we are out of here......okay" he spoke softy not letting go making me nod. Looking down.

"Thank you" I said looking at him. He gave me a small smile. Giving me some comfort before he let go. even with the harsh words he said. he still cares about me. and i care about him. 

"You're the only person I can trust, um" he stated making me nod.


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