Chapter 11- Deja Vu

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Chapter 11

I sat quietly as Ryder drove. The cold air coming from the broken windshield. Ryder broke the rest of glass so we could see. I haven't said much to Ryder. Not really anything at all since my breakdown in front of him. I felt gross covered in dried up guts and goo. Ryder was covered with some since he was holding me. Mostly he had dried up blood. I softly hovered my hand over my cut from the road. I hissed in pain once the skin was moved, making Ryder look over at me.

"Lional pack you any medical supplies?" Ryder asked making me sigh

"Let me check" i say as i looked down in my bag. I smiled when i saw Lional did in fact pack me some medical supplies, i held them up for Ryder to see making him sigh.

"Thank god" he stated making me nod and we fell back into awkward silence

"I-" i went to speak but so did Ryder.

"We-"i stopped when i heard Ryder making him smile.

" go" he stated making me shake my head.

"No its fine, you go" i say making him nod

"I just wanted to make sure you were alright" he spoke softly making my smile drop slightly

"Yeah im alright, i just need some rest" i say making ryder yawn.

"Me too" he parked the car making me look at him "what its safer in here then out there" he had a point. I sighed in defeat and laid my head against the window. Trying my best to get comfortable. But my head kept roaming back to my fathers death. It's my fault. Tears fell from my eyes. But luckily they were hidden from the darkness. After a few moments i felt myself drift off to sleep.

"Ofcourse dad" i say softly as turned around to go to the truck. As the other one was parked behind it. Before i could do anything the car alarm went off from a big impact, i look behind me to see the other truck. That was a few feet away. My dad was laying against the truck with blood surrounding him. Making me look in horror

"Dad!" i yelled, i went to run to him but ryder grabbed me, "no!" i cried as i saw my dad struggling as blood fell from his mouth. "Dad!" i yelled

I shot awake from my nightmare. My screams repeating in my head. I held my chest trying my hardest to breathe.

"Ellie" Dean's voice spoke, making me look to see Dean sitting in the spot Ryder was.

"Dean" I say , making him smile. I got out of the truck and he followed. I ran into his arms. Being welcomed by his touch and smell. "But you were with Kylen" I say as my breathing increased as we looked at each other. He kissed me softly, making me melt.

"Where's Jennie?" i asked breaking the kiss.

"I don't know, but I'm just glad I'm here with you" he sighed. Making my smile drop. I pressed my nails into my hand and i felt nothing.

"Your not real" i say, feeling all the strength i had gone. As he just smiled at me. The same look he gave me when he came back.

 "I'm not going anywhere Evelyn," he said, kissing my head. Those same words he told me when I thought I'd never see him again. Even if it wasn't real. It gave me the comfort I needed.

"Just stay for a little while" I said as he wrapped his arms around me. Just his touch calmed me. His voice, his scent. Everything about him calmed me. It calmed my soul.

"I love you" he said as he held me.

I woke up. In the truck. No longer feeling the warmth i did with Dean, i looked down to see Ryder covered me with his jacket. I looked over at him to see him sleeping peacefully. Softly snoring. Small bits of drawl coming from his mouth. My wondering eyes stopped when i saw a dog. Ryder snored a little loud making me shake him

"Huh, what happen-" i put my hand over his mouth making him look at me weird. I pointed my head in the direction of the dog making ryder sit up straight. Removing my hand slowly we both looked at dog, ive never seen one up close. We weren't allowed to have dogs or any kind of pet in the city, i didnt know there were any left.

I saw the dog limp making my heart drop, i got out of the car making Ryder grab my hand, I looked up at him.

"You dont know if its dangerous" he told me making me, giving him a sigh

"Its hurt" i say counting to get out of the car once he let go. He followed close behind me. "Hey boy" i say whistling a bit as i came close to it. "Shh its alright" i say as it whimpered at me. I looked at his bloody leg. "Poor thing" i whisper while i slowly ran my hand across its soft fur. Making it come closer to me.

"It looks like-" ryder came behind me making the dog limp away. I run after it

"Ellie!" ryder yelled after me as he followed behind me. But i didnt stop. The dog ran into the woods, and i followed. Even when the dog was out of sight i followed the bloody trail it left. After what felt like hours. I ran out of the trees and found myself at a farm where the dog kept running and barking. Farms used to be so beautiful to me but memories of mable came to my head.

"Ellie-" ryder stopped once he saw what i was looking at.

"Aw thank goodness you found our dog" an older lady said with a southern accent said making me look up to her.

"Well really he found us" i state making her shake her head.

"Please mind my manners, im betty-lou but just call me betty" she flashed a smile at me making me look at her weirdly again. How could someone be so happy in a world like this.

"Ellie" i say "this is ryder"

"Oh what lovey names, please wont you stay" she almost begged, making me look at the dog she was carrying

"I think your dog is hurt" i say making her smile brighter.

"Ill fix him up, poor thing probably got caught in the fences again" she sighed making me look around to see large fencing that covered the place. These poeple were defnity ready. "I cant thank you enough, you poor souls look like you have been through it....we have running water" she said kindly making me look at ryder. Id like to brush my teeth and take a shower. I was covered in dried up blood and guts. And i could still taste throw up.

"Okay" i agree "thank you" i say as we followed her inside. She opened the gate with a code and at the sound of a buzz we were in.

"Alrightly, showers are upstairs, first door on the left" she smiled at me, making me nod. I make my way in the house. It was a standard old farmhouse. Older than Mabel's. Oh Mabel. I miss her. The sound of the doors creaking and the floors, made me cringe. You couldn't be quiet in a place like this. I grabbed a towel and went to the bathroom. I almost screamed at myself when i looked at the person in the mirror. I stiped off my clothes and got in the shower. Once the warm water hit my back. My arms and legs that ached no longer did. The water filled with blood and guts. I cleaned myself. As i thought about dean. I wonder if hes okay. Or jennie. What is she doing right now. Is she okay, are they together. My worries were stopped once the water turned cold. I turned off the water and got out. I wrapped myself and looked for toothpaste. Once I found it I took some on my finger and brushed my teeth. It felt nice to have fresh breath. No longer tasting the throw up. A knock on the door made me jump.

"Darling, you in there" betty spoke making me clear my throat

"Yes" i say after a moment.

"I laid some clothes outside the door when your ready" she spoke making me sigh

"Thank you" i say before i heard footsteps of her leaving. She was strange but nice at the same time but i didnt trust her. I opened the door to grab the clothes. I put them on and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked much better. I walked out of the bathroom to see Ryder.

"Hey" he smiled making me awkwardly smile. I got Deja vu as this was how we bumped into each other before. He went into the bathroom making me go downstairs and scope the place out. I walked outside, as the crisp air hit my skin. I looked around trying to figure out how this place was untouched.

"Hello" a woman said making me look behind me, she was very skinny, and she had a big bruise on her eye.

"Hi" i smile kindly "everything okay?" i ask feeling a bit concerned. 

"You shouldn't be'll never get out" she whispered as tears filled her eyes. I looked at her confused "please take your boyfriend and leave.... before-" she got cut off from betty. 

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