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— Fatima Cavona Wilson . 27
3:05pm 🕤

"Girl Im finna tell you what my dumb ass did." Danni looked at Fatima skeptical as she sat on her office couch.

Fatima chuckled "Girl what?" Danni asked sipping the Coca Cola she grabbed from a vending machine.

"So you remember that night we watched that stupid ass movie? Well that night I did it." Danni was confused.

"Bitch you know how many stupid ass movies we watch? What you do?" Danni questioned her bestfriend.

"I wrote a prisoner, and he wrote me back." Fatima explained showing her the letter she had just received back.

Danni immediately laughed. "Bitch only you! Only you would sit around and write a damn felon!" She grabbed the paper.

She read it, "His ass illiterate af, who says 'hea' in writing?" She asked with a chuckle. "So what're you gaining from this?"

"I don't know, a friend-Uh excuse you." Danni felt offended, "No of course you're my bestfriend from in the whole world."

"I'm saying like since Ian I haven't really been able to get out there and gain love from others."
She explained

"I just want a friend, someone I don't have to give my all to because he's in jail but someone that I can just talk to."

Danni nodded, "I get what you're trying to say but I just want you to know this may not be all what it's cracked up to be love."

"You can go in thinking it's just a few chats but find yourself getting attached, wanting more calls, letters, trying to make sure you're all he's thinking about or the only ones he's talking to. you could slowly loose yourself trying to find love in someone who can't physically give it to you or be there for you. you can soon drift from your normal day life whenever he angers you and makes your day bad."

"I just don't want you to let this control your life, you know." Danni explained grabbing Fatima's hand.

"I won't Dan, if it gets too bad I'll just pull out. I promise." Fatima said, Danni nodded then pecked Fatima's cheek.

"Ima get going, also I took me a couple of items, love you." Fatima laughed as Danni playfully rushed out.

She was always stealing clothes from the shop, but Fatima didn't mind because if she ever needed to sneak on a plane, Danni was her girl.

Fatima stayed at work longer as she finished up her letter back that contained her number, and more facts about herself.

She left the shop, locked up and went to mail the letter before going home. She cooked herself lamb chops, shrimp and mashed potatoes.

She ate alone while watching Halloween Ends, after she cleaned the kitchen and downstairs before going upstairs.

She tided up her bedroom, then took a shower. In the shower she thought about all that Danni had said.

What if she were to get attached to Zac, then find out something bad later on? What if he's in jail for murder?

What if- "Calm yourself down, you barely know him. It might not even get far, just vibe." She heard in the back of her head.

"You're so much smarter than me cause I be going insane." She mumbled to herself, she finished up her shower.

She got dressed in a black night gown with nothing under, she laid in bed with the tv playing as background while she was on her phone.

She saw the time read 10:02pm and decided to shut down, she put her phone on the charger next to her AirPods, and Apple Watch were.

She closed her eyes and soon enough she was sleep.

— Zachary Taylor . 29
5:30pm 🕣

"You think you betta then everybody yo!" Another inmate yelled at Zac while he sat carelessly eating his food.

"YO WITHER CHILL OUT!" The female guard hit the gate, Tony Wither looked to her then backed down.

"Ima catch you." He said to Zac, "Man go head." Zac waved him off continuing to eat his cornbread that Tony wanted.

Zac hated jail with a passion, but one thing he hated more than jail was when someone tried to think they were tough.

We're both in jail so why would you think you any tougher than I am, then when Tony said Zac thinks he's better than anybody it blew him.

He has a sentence just like everyone else, he's a convicted felon just like everybody else, he's no better than the next person.

"You good Zman?" One of his boys asked, Zac nodded before standing up. He threw his tray away and went back to his room.

Zac was happy to have his own room now that his roommate was gone home but he knew it wouldn't last long.

He had his head laid back in the top bunk when a guard walked past. "Official Ryan! Did I get mail today?"

Official Ryan shook his head, "Mail comes in at 9am sharp." He said before continuing on his walk.

Zac laid back down thinking about Fatima, he really wanted to know more about her and who she was and why she wrote him.

He wanted to hear her voice, see her face, figure her out. He didn't want to get his hopes up but how could he not?

He sat 2 years in jail with no contact from the outside world, sitting out during visits, phone calls, and gaining letters.

So now that he's getting something he doesn't know if he should take it serious or not, he wanted to but how would he?

What if it was just some joke? Or one of Karen's ways of playing in his face once again like she had did in the past.

"LIGHTS OUT" the bell for doors locked and lights out went on snapping Zac out of his many many wonders of Fatima Wilson.

He heard his door lock and his light went out, soon it became pitch dark in his room. He shut his eyes.

He had trouble sleeping for quite some time but soon he was out like the light and slept through the night.

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