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"Baby?" Zac asked as Fatima laid on his chest in bed whilst straddling him, "Hm?" She lifted her head a little.

"What happened between you and your ex?" She moved her head up more this time being able to look down at him.

"Why do you ask?" She questioned, "I don't know it's just whenever someone mentions him, your whole mood shifts."

"Like all the happiness leaves your face." He added, this time she sat up completely as he laid still on the bed.

She stares at him before taking a deep sigh, "Ian and I met when I was 17, my senior year of high school."

"It was 7 months before graduation, Ian was graduating as well. He had transferred to our school for graduation because his burned down."

"When we met we instantly got close, became basically bestfriends. We went to prom together and that's the day we decided to date."

"Everything was good, it was like magical. Plus he was my first relationship so I was in awe. All my friends had bad stories but I had a great one."

"I felt like whenever I was with him I was on top of the world." She fidgeted with her fingers as Zac stared at her face and she stared at his chest.

"On graduation night Ian had plans, major plans. He booked us a hotel room, he wanted sex. I didn't want that."

"I had gone my whole high school life not having sex, boyfriends, kisses, nothing. I was just the popular cheerleader who was innocent."

"I was never at the parties, on the school papers, in drama. None of it, I was the best kid ever." She inhaled sharply.

"When Ian realized that he wanted to change me, in that hotel room he forced- uhm." Zac lifted up and grabbed her waist.

"Baby you don't have to talk about it- No I want to tell you." She placed her hands on his chest and looked in his eyes.

He saw her eyes glistening but didn't stop her again, this time she laid on his chest while he was sitting upright to continue.

"He basically told me that if I loved him I would do anything for him, and I did love him. So I gave myself to him,"

"I hated every second of it, people told me my first time would be loving and memorable but all I wanted to do was erase it from my mind."

"I felt disgusting when he finished, I felt like a rag doll that he could toss around." Tears dropped from her face.

"After that I decided I didn't want to have sex with him anymore and us being out of high school was my escape."

"But he didn't let me leave him, he stalked me, followed me, drugged me. I was battling so much by myself because I didn't want my parents to know."

Zac was rubbing her back and kissing her forehead to assure her she was now safe. "I felt the only way to stop it was the give in."

"So I did, I began to date him again and he played the nice roll but deep down he was evil, he raped me every night, every chance he got."

"I hated him, the moment I met Paul felt like an escape. I got away but that didn't stop him from stalking me."

"Everywhere I turned, everywhere I went, he was there. I wanted him dead, so I- I didn't have any choice Zac."

She looked at him like he was judging her, "Baby I didn't say anything- I had no choice." She got off of him and rushed into the bathroom.

He got up and attempted to follow her but she locked the door, "Baby im sorry, I shouldn't have made you talk about it."

"Please let me in," he knocked softly on the door, hearing her cries on the other side. "Mama don't push me away."

He heard the door unlock, and Fatima opened it standing there looking defeated. He walked in and grabbed her, holding her as she cried.

"I love you baby, I would never hurt you, judge you, or leave you!" He whispered holding her tightly.

He brung them to the ground

They stayed like this for some time until Fatima let the sleep take over her, Zac felt horrible. He nothing more than to make her happy. 

He picked her up and put her in bed, he cleaned up the bathroom and bedroom before climbing in bed with her.

Instantly she crawled into his arms and hugged his torso burring her face in his chest. He kissed her forehead again.

"I love you mama." He whispered softly before closing his eyes.

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