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"Why're you acting so strange girl," Gina asked Fatima as she laid stomach first on the massage table.

"How am I acting strange mama?" Tima asked her, Gina looked up at Fatima. "Ian gone say to much but let me kno if you need to tell me something."

"I don't ma," Fatima spoke, Gina just grinned and put her head back down. "So how's everything with the new house," she asked.

"It's fine, we finished mostly everything but the room I had to designed, im waiting on this lazy boy chair I ordered and some more decor."

"That's nice, your dad wants to have you and Zac come to the party for his new project." Fatima nodded.

Her dad is a producer and writer, he has written many best seller books as well as movies and producer award winning movies.

Some of his best and most known work are Best Man, Why did I get married, Girls Trip, and Think like a man.

*yes I'm stealing movies 🤣👏🏽.

"That's fine, when is it and what's the attire?" She responds, "Dress up, like he wants it to be everything over the top expensive all that."

"Also it's in 2 weeks,"

"Hmm seems like dad," Fatima chuckled just as their masseuses entered, "Hi im Olga, and she's Devine."

"I'm going to be working on you," Devine made her way to Fatima, the two got to work. "Did y'all figure out how to finish that match?" Fatima asked Gina.

"I did but ion wanna talk about that, I been meaning to tell you Pam not ya god mama nomore," Gina added.

"Huh mama?" Fatima asked laughing, "Yea I'm sick of her, she had the nerve to  call herself snapping on me yesterday about some damn bagels,"

"Ma you and auntie Pam argue about the stupid stuff, but I just saw her last week at Briane's lil dinner." Gina just nodded knowing she turned down the invite.

Fatima and Gina talked more up until the session was complete, Fatima paid at the front because she had planned this to take her mom on a date.

"I'll see you later mommy," Fatima spoke when she helped her inside the car. "See you ban, and text me when you get home."

Fatima nodded then made her way to her car, and checked her phone. She has also stopped at the bank to transfer some money.

Fatima made her way home after saying leaving the bank,  when she got home she saw cars so she assumed the guys were working.

"I missed you baby," Zac spotted Fatima and pulled her into a hug forgetting he was covered in dust.

"Babeeee now i have to take a shower!" She screeched, "I'm sorry mama but you been gone all day, show me love."

Fatima sighed and kissed his lips twice, "Is our room empty?" He nodded, she stepped over the stuff for the new bathroom.

She made her way upstairs making sure to greet whoever she saw, she walked past the room she was creating for Zac.

She entered their bedroom and immediately stripped, she walked to the bathroom and ran the bath water.

She stared at herself in the mirror criticizing her figure, she couldn't help but hate the way her body had been changing.

It was like since Zac had gotten out she let herself go, she doesn't even keep up with herself like she used to.

She turned to the tub water and since it was filling so she stuff it, she grabbed the soap from the holder and poured some in.

She swayed the water around to form the bubbles before getting in, when she soaked in the water she began to think.

What if Zac pulls away?
What if he hates her body?
What if he gets tired of the same thing?
What if he wants freedom?
What if he leaves?

As she thought more and more her head sunk deeper and deeper until she was fully under water with her eyes closed and her mouth shut.

"Ti? You in the tub?" She could hear Zac saying but she felt like her life was slipping away, "Baby?" He called out.

Everything went blank in her mind as her face turned red, "Baby?" The door opened and he looked around not seeing her.

It was only when he saw her hair hanging out the tub, "FATIMA!" He ran to the tub and yanked her out the water.

She gasped for air as she chocked and water came from her mouth and nose, Zac took a towel and wiped her face.

"Fatima what the fuck man? What's wrong with you?" He asked her and that alone made her just cry.

"Come on Ti talk to me," he spoke more soft then stern. He got a bigger towel and picked her up out the tub.

He held her bridal style and carried her to the bed whilst she cried. He wiped her down and found some clothes for her to put on.

Fatima was in a vulnerable state, one he'd rarely seen her in so he had no problem doing all of this while she let her emotions run.

Once he got her situated he stripped from his dirty clothes leaving him in his under and climbed into bed with her and cuddled her.

"I love you mama, and i hope you know that." He whispered to her while she just stared into space, he kissed her forehead.

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