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"When you start talking to me crazy?" Zac asked Fatima as she playfully rolled her eyes. "Zachary please." She laughed.

"I miss you baby," Fatima added with a pout. It had been 3 months since the two had last seen each other, and 5 since they met.

Fatima wasn't able to go see Zac again because they kept telling her she doesn't qualify but she doesn't know why.

"I miss you too mama, don't worry ima be out soon." He spoke in a soothing tone to lighten her mood.

"Okay." , "What you doing or bouts to do?" He asked her, "Frying, I'm not going to the shop today or tomorrow so."

"Oh okay, hit the bug for me too." She nodded, since they started talking they've come up with a code language for on the phone.

For instance if she's smoking she says frying and bug means blunt. Also if they're talking dirty they use the word baking in many different ways.

'Baking a cake, means having sex and so on and so forth.' "You know I will, but I'm Finn- one minute remaining'

Fatima was cut off by the animated voice which pissed her off everytime, "Listen baby I'm gone talk to you tomorrow okay?"

"Okay babe, talk to you later." He ended the call and sighed, he hated when he had to stop talking to her.

He was counting down the days he had until his sentence was over, 547 days to go and he was going home to see his baby.

Fatima was also irritated by the endings of the calls, she was constantly trying to figure out why was she paying 60$ for 10 minutes.

It didn't make sense to her. Plus she was trying to get the app where he could also text and FaceTime but again she wasn't qualified.

"Hey bitch wyd?" Danni's voice rang through Fatima's phone after she answered the FaceTime. "Nothing."

"You must just got off the phone with yo man?" Fatima eyed her, "Girl how you know that?" She questioned.

"Cause you got that sour ass face like somebody pissed in yo mouth." The two began to laugh because Tima knew exactly what she meant.

Everytime she put her tongue against the outer side of her upper lip, she was pissed.

*reference picture

"Yes, them calls be too short. I wanna be in his skin." She whined placing a pillow over her face. "I be forgetting you still young."

"You so childish." Danni laughed at Fatima, "Bitch you 2 years older than me." , "That 2 too damn many."

"You know what let's go out!" Danni suggested, Fatima looked at the camera with a bitch please expression.

"Hoe we don't go out, be serious." She replied to her sister, "i guess we can go to my friend's house for her lil game night?"

Fatima thought on it for a minute, "fuck it let's do it." She responded. Danni told her to be ready in a hour and 30 minutes.

The call ended and Fatima got up, she went to take a shower. When she got out she went to get dressed.

She went with a casual look, a beige three piece furry crème set, crop top, pants and a sweater touching her ankles.

She paired the outfit with her Talsman Ugg's along with a crossbody beige and black Marc Jacob's purse.

She threw on a pair of black glasses to complete her look, just as she was taking photos of herself she heard honking.

She went outside and joined Danni in her 2021 black dodge charger. "Hey bitch you look cute!" Danni compliments.

"Hey hoe you look absolutely stunning as always." Fatima says back, Danni was wearing an all black skims one piece, a Kurt bag and black Jordan 4s.

Danni drove and the two casually talked the whole way there. Once they arrived Danni got out first and Fatima followed behind.

Danni knocked and soon enough a lightskin woman with dreadlocks opened the door. "Heyyyy Danni!"

"Hey andi." the two hugged, "This is my sister like bestfriend Fatima and Ti this is my friend from college Andi."

"Hey beautiful, your home is love." Fatima and Andi hugged. "Thank you some much!"

Andi let the ladies in and Danni introduced Ti to her other friends, "hey boos, it's so good to see yall!" She hugged the other 2.

"This is my favorite person in the world Fatima, Ti these are my other college friends Brina and Karen."

The ladies got acquainted and the games began, "Take a shot if you ever got your ass ate?" All the ladies except Karen took one.

"Ouu Fatima you a freak like me." Andi jokingly spoke and Fatima laughed. "Never again though." She added.

"Okay okay take a shot if you ever held a nigga down." Karen and Andi took a shot, Danni looked to Fatima.

"Is it really because- yes bestfriend here." Danni pushed T's head back and poured the shot in her mouth.

Fatima laughed after she swallowed it. "to be honest Is it holding down if I met him while he was already in there?"

"But are you dating anyone?, or waiting on him to get home?" Fatima scratched the back of her neck.

"You holding that nigga down." Brina added, they laughed again, well not Karen. She wasn't feeling this "5th member."

They continued to play the game, when Fatima got a call. She answered thinking it was probably her mom or dad.

"Hello?" She asked, when she heard the automated voice she took the phone from her ear, then put it back.

She accepted the charges. "Hello babe, wait one Second Ladies." She excused herself. "Yea baby what you doing?"

"Nothing chilling with the girls, yall got another call or something?" She asked , "Yea the holidays coming up so they tryna do extra shit."

*btw their setting is placed in 2023, it's Christmas time for them. They have been talking since July*

"Oh okay," , "you with dan?" He asked and she said yea then placed herself on speaker when he wanted to speak then went back in the front.

"Danni, my man wants to talk to you." Fatima jokingly said. "Wassup D money." He said laughing.

"What Zac?" Danni rolled her eyes, they have a love hate relationship, but Danni actually liked him for Fatima.

"You betta have my wife in at a reasonable time." Fatima and Danni both laughed, "Bye Zac," she gave the phone back.

"Okay babe ima talk to you later." , "Aight mama, be safe." The call ended and she continued to hang with the girls before her and Danni left.

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