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Zac was laying at home in bed while on the phone with Fatima, she was shopping for decor for her office.

She had broke her chair earlier and didn't like the white trashcan. "Baby get that black one," Zac spoke through the phone.

She grabbed it along with a white rug, she knew she wasn't clumsy and they didn't have children so she could keep it nice.

"Okay is that everything, do we need food for the house?" Zac thought on it, "No but can you grab some condoms?"

Fatima nodded, "Okay what kind- wait a damn minute." She stopped herself and let out a laugh. "Zachary do me a favor, don't get fucked up!"

He laughed on the other end, "Okay mama im finna do some work." They said goodbye and hung up the call.

Fatima went to ring up her things and left the store shortly after everything was bagged up. She got home and saw zac.

"Hi baby," she kissed his lips whilst setting the bags down. "Hey pretty." He greeted even though they had just talked over the phone.

"You got everything you needed?" He attempted to take a peek in one of the bags, "No sir, this is apart of the room."

He smacked his teeth, "Baby when will you be done with this room, we done finished the whole house."

"Uh perfection takes time Mister Taylor." She rolled her eyes, he just smiled while shaking his head at the same time.

"I guess," he responded, she didn't say anything and just grabbed the bags going to the room. She looked around after closing the door.

Everything was nearly done, all she had left to do was set up the photos and put some stuff Zac would like.

1 hour later

She took a look and smiled, she had done it again. Before owning a shop Crystal was a designer, from homes to studios to people all of it.

She grew a passion for clothes and making women feel beautiful so that's what she decided to pursue.

Her clothes rang from xxs to 4X, she has yet to have a disappointed costumer in all her years of owning Lavish Customs. It was just something she was so passionate about.

"Baby you good?" Zac came by the door and asked her, she yelled out yes and he went on the their bedroom. Zac didn't have anyone to call to talk to about what he was about to do so he called Danni.

"Danni?" He spoke as soon as she answered, "What do you want Zac? And where's my best friend?" She said with attitude. "Danni all jokes aside, I need your help." Danni shut up at instant and listened to him.

"Zac," Fatima came into the room and Zac quickly hung up, " Uh what you got going on?" She said at first glance, she wasn't finna sugar coat none, "None baby that was one of the guys, wassup."

"Naw you wouldn't hang up on the guys like that esp- oh they calling back, let me see?" She attempted to grab his phone which he didn't allow her too, "T come on you tripping,"

She gave him a mug, she just chuckled laughed then excused herself and went downstairs, the first thing she thought to do was call Danni and she did. "Bitch tell me if I'm tripping," she spoke not letting Danni even greet her.

"Wassup?" Danni spoke knowing Fatima was going to probably say something pertaining what Zac texted her about, and Fatima explained just that. "Bestie you overreacting they was discussing men stuff."

"That was Preston anyway," she lied through her teeth, Fatima just nodded "Okay you probably right!" Fatima explained.

They talked for a little bit then Danni ended the call, her and Preston got dressed since Zac had invited them along with a few of their other friends over including Fatima's parents.

Fatima went back upstairs to see Zack put them on a bun up black shirt. " where you going?" She questioned him right away, he turns her.

" can you put that dress on for me?" he pointed to the black gown that would have her back out.  " why would I put on a dress to sit in the house?"

Zac smacked his teeth , " Just put it on mama. Stop being difficult." he said, Tima rolled her eyes. She snatched the dress off the bed and walked to the bathroom.

She stared at her self in the mirror after she took off her clothes , she was questioning if she liked what she was staring at. She didn't say anything and just slipped the dress on.

Zac had gone downstairs to greet their guest, "Hi everyone thank y'all for coming. We having a game night," Zac said as Fatima was walking down, "Hmm I wasn't aware but hello family." Zac took a look at her appearance.

He couldn't help but stare at her gorgeous body, she paired her dress with some sparkly black heels that had a bow in the front and a off the shoulder sparkling Kurt Geiger purse Zac had bought her.

"What?" She noticed his stare and placed her hands over her stomach, "You look absolutely stunning," he said to her, she blushing dropping her hands. "I love you mama," he whispered grabbing her waist and kissing her,

"I love you too- alright greet us hell!" Martin spoke out, "Sorry," Fatima laughed before going around, "Hi mommy and daddy, hey girl." She greeted Andi, Sabrina and their spouses then Preston. 

"Hi my gorgeous best friend." She said to Danni, Zac started up a ga,e night shortly after serving some of their drinks and a charcuterie board Fatima had bought early  that day,

After a good hour or two Fatima led everyone upstairs, "This was something I had designed for Zac because I knew it would mean allot to him, we are surrounded by all our friends and loved ones so I figured why not present it here."

*by the way Zac has gotten close with Fatima's family and cool with andi boyfriend, brina fiancé and Preston been cool, but ima say some of his hbs here.

She opened the door and the room was filled and designed to create Zac's childhood in the form of like a man cave, it was pictures of him and his mom and brother, and even though they did him wrong Fatima knew he wanted so badly to make them proud.

It was so much stuff he had forgotten about, "Baby how did you find this," he said holding up a trophy for best dressed family award they won when he was in the 2nd grade. She didn't respond and hugged him.

Everyone watched in awe as Zac tried his hardest not to break down. He pulled away, Fatima looked around at her work and thanked her friends and fam for the compliments. It went silent and she turned around.

"Where Zac g- before she could finish she followed everyone's eyes to Zac on one knee. "Baby get up stop playing." She laughed nervously, he shook his head. "Fatima I love you with everything in my heart."

Right then the water works started, "Yiu don't know how much you saved me, you make me the happiest person ever. I was alone for years, drowning in depression and the moment you wrote me my pain went to happiness and my suffering went away."

"I don't think I could live without you, I wish I'd met you sooner you make me whole baby, so when I ask you this I want you to know that I'm im love with you. Will you marry me?"

Fatima nodded over and over, "Yes!" He slid the ring on and got up to hug her. "YEAA ISSA FIANCÉ," the girls hyped her up while the boys hyped Zac up.

Gina was crying while Martin was smiling at his daughters happiness. "I love you my soon to be wife." Zac said, "I love you more my soon to be husband." The two kissed.

Fatima never imagined she'd build a house from the ground up, get over Ian or be engaged but here she was inlove with a man she met on PenPal.

She didn't care about anything else, she was happy, meeting the inmate was the best thing that ever happened to her.

AHAH, I don't know who told y'all it was a nursery, she was pregnant and they was having a baby. It was only Body dysmorphic disorder. Sorry guys, but anyways bye bye 😘

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