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— Fatima Cavona Wilson . 28
5:00pm  🕗

"Bitch you been tuned out from the world for what? A damn week

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"Bitch you been tuned out from the world for what? A damn week." Danni rolled her eyes at her so called bestfriend.

"That's cause she was with her man." Andi added with a laugh while Brina and Fatima sipped their drinks.

"So Ti how's that dynamic now? Like what're yall doing?" Sabrina asked Fatima and Fatima sat down her drink.

"It's kind of fun but challenging not going to
lie, I feel like we're in the honeymoon stage of being around each other but that other shit we like argue about."

"He knows my mouth slick, I know his is so we bump head a lil bit too often but we been having plenty sex."

"Has he met the fam yet? I would love to know how papa  Martin is about his babygirl having a man, living with her." Andi joked.

"Dad doesn't know, I told mama, she knows Zac and likes him but if dad finds out man. I'm too scared even at 28."

The girls laughed at Fatima, they began to talk about other topics up until they were rudely interrupted.

"Oh well isn't this cute?" Andi was first to look up and see Karen. "Hello Karen." Sabrina spoke through a gritted smile.

The rest of the girls ignored Karen and her bitter aura that began to surround them. "So Fatima I see you and zac are happy."

"Karen please don't mention my man, now you and your child run along. You're dismissed." Fatima shoo'd her away.

"Anyways." Karen scoffed before grabbing her child's hand and walking away from the table.
"Weird ass girl chile." Danni sipped her drink.

The ladies disbursed just minutes after saying their goodbyes, then they went their separate ways.

Fatima made her way to her house and went inside. She was met with Zac on the couch. "Hey baby." He took off his headset.

"Come here." She went by his side and he pulled her in his lap kissing all on her face. "Babe stop." She laughed pushing him.

"How was your date with ya girls?" He asked, he knew all of her friends. Him and Danni were the most cool because she been there since the letters.

"It was alright until lil miss thing showed up." Zac raised his eyebrow wondering who she was referencing.

"Yea Karen, with the kid that's 'yours'" Fatima and Zac both laughed. "I'm not even gone acknowledge that nor her delusion."

Fatima lifted from his lap and went over into the kitchen, she opened the fridge and pulled out a water bottle. "Mama?"

She turned her attention to Zac who had began to speak. "I was thinking, and you know I started working and everything going good,"

Fatima nodded taking another sip of her water."I went to check out some places and I was thinking about moving out."

When he said that her whole mood shifted, "Why, I thought you enjoyed living with me!?"
She questioned. "I do baby but..."

"But what Zac cause thats not making sense and this is random." She sat the water down coming back to stand infront of him.

In result he stood to his feet as well , " I was just saying because I know you want your space and I just randomly moved in without talking about it."

"No I don't want no space I want to be with you I want to live with you." she defends. Zac huffed, this wasn't going as planned.

"You know what Zac fine! Do what you wanna do." She pushed past him and grabbed her purse before storming upstairs.

She slammed the door behind her and sat on the bed. Her first instinct was to call Danni but she knew her and Zac had talked about telling their friends their business.

Shen laid flat down on the bed and stared at the ceiling maybe she was overreacting. It would probably be good for her and Zac to be separated.

Then they won't have to ignore each other when they're mad or have arguments and could just leave to their own homes. 

She sat in the room for about 30 minutes until she got up, changed into her gym attire and made her way downstairs.

Zac was leaning over the kitchen island on his phone. Fatima walked past him to the refrigerato?., opening it to grab a bottle of water.

She put ice in her yeti then poured the cold water inside of it not saying anything to her boyfriend. "Where you going?"

She didn't responded just simply drunk a sip of her water and grabbed her keys, just as she turned to leave the kitchen he grabbed her.

" Fatima I already told you about that shit, when we have problems we talk it out, stop running all the time ignoring me and shit."

"That's pointless- and moving out ain't? What the fuck is that doing for you Zac? We still gone be with each other 24/7 wasting money and time to decorate another house when we have a home right here!"

"Fatima you don't even get it." She rolled her eyes, "Then help me get it, explain it to me." She argued back crossing her arms.

"THIS IS YO HOUSE, you lived here since you was 20. You done had two whole ass niggas before me I'm this bitch and Ian comfortable with that."

"I wanted to find us a new home to build together but I knew you wasn't gone want that shit cause you love yo house so I decided that maybe I should just get my own shit."

"Yea you know what, maybe you should." Fatima said, she grabbed her things and left the house. Zac was furious, "FUCK!"

He felt like he couldn't win with Fatima and he was tired of it, maybe it was best he did move out before they began to resent each other,

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