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Time jump
1 year later

"Girl fuck Zac I don't care

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"Girl fuck Zac I don't care." Danni said to Fatima as she laid out her outfit. "And when it comes to my man you don't have to."

All day Fatima had been talking about tomorrow which was the day Zac is released from prison. He was getting out on good behavior.

He was originally supposed to do six more months but not anymore. "Girl not you laying out yo fit like the first day of school."

The two laughs, Fatima had so much stuff planned. "So what's the plans boo what yall doing?"

"So first ima pick him up at around 9 so we gone get breakfast, then I wanna take him shopping so he could have a new wardrobe."

"Cause I'd be damned if my man walking around with 2 pairs of jeans one shirt and wack ass shoes." Danni cracked up at what Ti said.

"I know that's right, I hate when niggas get out the shower and put on the same shit, fucking bum." She admitted.

She was glad she had a white man cause one thing about Preston he gone change that fit, including his lil cowboy hat.

"Anyways after that we gone go eat lunch because I know he gone be hungry again, then we going to see a movie."

"After we leave the movies I wanna go downtown to see the lights, and just walk around then dinner at restaurant Aria."

"Then- Then? It's more damn bitch you going all out." Fatima shrugged with an innocent expression, "I just want him to feel loved,"

"You love him awee heartyyy you in love." Danni fake coo'd. "A lil a lil, but anyways I booked us a room and just know don't call me."

"You a fucking freak LMFAOO." Danni laughed playfully hitting Ti. "You knew that though." Fatima added.

"So do you plan on him meeting mama G and pops?" Fatima changed her face up. "Urm I don't know honestly because."

"Well they still don't know about him," she confessed to her bestfriend, "What you mean?" Danni eyes widened.

"After damn near 2 years? They gone be pissed Ti, since when you keep big secrets from them?"

"Since I began to date a felon, I don't want them to think he's not like the one or for them to judge him or our relationship."

Danni smacked her teeth, "Now Fatima since when have they been like that? You know they don't judge."

"They accepted me as your friend and I was faster than a damn bull. Plus they accepted Ian when he was a fucking bum."

"They accepted but they didn't respect it, they grew to love you but they never grew to like Ian, they just tolerated him."

"I want them to like Zac for who he is without having to be scared of his past or anything." Fatima explained.

"I get what you saying Fatima but you gone have to tell them eventually." She nodded, "I know Danielle." She spoke with an attitude.

"Uh okay rudeness, but I'm finna go home to my man and a home cooked meal. I love you byeee." Danni got up.

Fatima ran over to hug her, and kiss on her face. "I love you more snugga wugga!" Fatima acted as if Danni was a real life baby.

"Get off!" Danni pushed her gently, Fatima finally let go and laughed. Danni left and Fatima went back to the room.

She folded her outfit and put it on her dresser,
She picked the perfume to go with it and sat it beside it as well.

She went to her clothes and grabbed the little bag she packed, she had 3 days worth of clothes because they were staying at the hotel that long.

She couldn't decide which lingerie for the first night so she decided to ask the girls, Andi Brina and Danni.

A lot has happened over the past year, first off Fatima was able to see Zac every visiting time and get the app for them to FaceTime and text.

She found out that she couldn't in the beginning because one of the cops used to date Zac and was messing it up everytime she saw it.

Also she had gotten pretty close with Sabrina and Andrea however not so much with Karen. They're still her friend but not Danni.

Karen somehow used to have sex on and off with Zac and tried to be funny with Fatima about her 5 year old being Zac's.

Fatima and Zac got into it so bad about it and the entire time Karen was just lying to get Uber Fatima's skin.

They got back in their happy state and Zac asked Ti to officially be his girlfriend when she came to visit after all the fighting.

But it didn't matter because they both been felt they were together since she came the first time ever to see him.

Also they had phone sex for the first time but neither of them really liked it so they decided to just wait for the real thing.

Another big thing was the 'L' word, Zac was first to say it because he couldn't help himself, he couldn't believe he actually had someone like Ti.

The conversation went a little something like.
"I'm serious babe you should try them, ima make you some when you get out."

The two were chatting about dumplings which Zac had no intentions of trying. "I will for you." He said then winked.

"What was that wink for?" She asked laughing, "None, just a wink." , "well I can't wink so don't wink at me."

The two laughed, before it went back silent, they both didn't say anything. Just staring at the phone. "Fatima?"

"Yea babe?" She looked at him, "I love you, like with everything in me. And I want you to know that."

Fatima kept quiet, "You don't have to say it back but I truly do love you." , "Zac I love you more! Don't ever think I won't say it back."

"I've loved you for a while now." She admitted.

Flashback over.
After that they've just been locked in, "I love that boy it's crazy." Fatima said to herself as she finished packing the bag.

The girls picked the blue one but just to be sure she packed both of them. She made sure Vannah and Kara were good at the shop.

Afterward she set her alarm for 6:45, wrapped up her newly styled silk press and laid down before closing her eyes and letting the sleep take over.

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