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Zac watched Fatima as she got ready for work. So far she had thrown away two outfits, a dress and her favorite jeans.

"Zac does this one look good?" He didn't want to say yea because she was only going to say he was lying to her.

However if he said no she think he's disgusted with her so he didn't kno what to say. "Yes or no Zac!"

"Mama everything look good on you, no matter what you wear you look beautiful as hell!" He spoke.

She smacked her teeth then threw the dress aside, after 20 minutes of back and fourth with the outfits she chose a 2 piece hoodie set.

She paired it with her black talsman Uggs, "Want me to drop you off?" She shook her head, "No because I have plans after."

"And those plans are?" He eyed her waiting on her to finish as she sprayed her YSL perfume a good 3 times.

"Out to late linner with Danni, drinks with Sabrina then im meeting with my dad to talk about his party." She spoke.

"Uh what the hell is late linner?" He questioned, "Late lunch early dinner, duh." She said like a teenage girl.

"Okay well I'll let you go, I love you mama and call me for any little convenience im there." He admitted.

"Will do babe, I love you too." She kissed his lips twice before leaning back up, she grabbed her tote bag and left the room.

When she got downstairs she went to grab a yogurt from the fridge being that it was the only thing staying down.

She left the house and locked the door behind her, she made it to work in 25 minutes due to all the traffic.

She checked the time seeing it was 11:34am so her interviews hadn't started yet. "Hey beauty's," she spoke to everyone.

"Hey boss lady ," they all responded, "Uh your 1st interviewee is here, Skylar Medow." Fatima let out a sigh and made her way to the back.

When she got there she saw a young woman, she was African American. She had a huge beautiful Afro and a silk dress on paired with a sweater.

"Hi Ms.Skylar," she made her presence known as she closed the door behind her, the interview went smooth.

She put Sky down as a candidate, she did a couple more interviews before making her way to linner with Danni.

"Hey bitchhhh!" Danni dragged getting up to hug Fatima, "Hey bae," Fatima stuck out her tongue playfully.

Danni laughed, "So what's tea?" Fatima smacked her teeth, "Girl we not 16, anyways ain't shit tea. Me and my man good, business good idk."

"So what's this about you attempting to drown yourself?" She cut her eyes at Danni, "Zac told you that?" Fatima asked.

"Yes he did- Hi sorry to interrupt im Jada I'll be your waiter today, can I start you guys off with some water?"

The light-skin woman said then sat the drinks down, "Are you guys ready to order?"Danni looked at Fatima.

"Uh yea, I'll have the chicken and waffles with orange juice please." Fatima ordered, then turned to Danni.

"Can I have 2 butter biscuits with gravy, scrambled eggs and hash browns please?" Jada nodded and took their menus.

"I'll be right back out with that, just holla if you need me" she dismissed herself, "Fatima what the fuck?" Danni went right back in.

"I don't know Dan I wasn't trying to drown myself. I just wanted to relax I just got uh got carried away," she admitted.

"Ti you can't be doing shit like that, you have shit to live for!" She scolded but kept it calm because she didn't want her to feel worse.

"How do you think Zac felt when he walked in and saw you like that, & if he hadn't saw you you could've died honey,"

She grabbed Fatima's hands, "I know D, I just... I don't know." Fatima's voice trailed off. "Please talk to me, it doesn't have to be now just if anything, call me."

"I will Dan." The conversation trailed off and they began to discuss other things, Fatima said goodbye first then left Danni to wait for her other friend.

She headed back to the shop and went to her office, "So boss what you think about the candidates?" Vannah asked her.

"Everybody is okay, ,most of them have no experience but their was at least 2 with good paperwork. A gay male, Seven and a young woman, Elease."

"Can you call Kara back here for me?" Vannah looked at Fatima with one of the "dammit" faces and Fatima just chuckled,

"She should expect ur she never does her job." Fatima added as Vannah headed for the door, shortly after she returned with Kara.

Long story short she fired Kara, and decided to hire both Elease and Seven. She was now on her way to the bar with Sabrina.

"Fatima so I wanted to talk about opening a business, it is so stressful." Sabrina was in the works of opening her own spot,  "Sis it is!"

"My advice would be to do all you can because if you want it you will." Fatima adds on, the bartender took their orders.

Sabrina order shots of pink Whitney for the two of them, and they also shared a 20 piece wing. Fatima was too tired to meet with her dad so she rescheduled,

She got home around 7 and Zac was on the couch playing the game in a suit, "Uh how was your day? She said instantly holding her laugh.

"Fucking horrible I almost killed Bryce ass today, I had to fire him, come here and just release my stress." Fatima laughed instantly.

She went over and bent down to hug him and kiss his forehead, "I'm taking a shower meet me in the bedroom." She said before going upstairs.

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