Day 1: Allowance

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(First day, hope this isn't written too bad and they aren't too ooc, I swear it'll get better as I continue writing.)
It was a normal morning today, I had just awoken to go down to the dining hall when I heard the usual shouting and the clear clank of metal in metal probably Killer and Dust fighting over something arbitrary again it seems to have become routine for them. A routine I am particularly willing to break.

As I walk closer to the rather large ebony door which led to the dinning hall I began to hear the fighting get louder and louder "DUST THE BREAD IS MINE" Killer vehemently shouted "NOTHING IS YOURS KILLER" Dust retorted followed by another (albeit louder) clank.

I sighed before readying myself - and my aura - to deal with yet another food argument. After opening the door, for a second I saw what exactly was happening. Dust was holding a butter knife trying to defend himself from Killer's sharp knife, Cross was watching the whole argument whilst Horror and Error were just eating and ignoring the entire thing (after all this was happening every other day). The next second I flared up my pointed tentacles and made sure to shout as loud and as menacing as possible "Are the two of done with your petty fight?" The two looked both surprised and deliciously fearful -stars, I really wish I couldn't be so delighted in their negativity- "Yes boss!" They both chanted cutting me off from my thoughts. I simply nodded and relaxed my tentacles so they were merely waving in the air and began to walk to my seat at the head of the rectangular table.

After I had sat down and began eating from the almost overflowing plate, I began to reminisce about the book I was reading yesterday. It was one I had recently received from one of the many AUs under my-and the gangs- protection. The monster which had given me it said that it would 'help me with my troublesome kids'. I, of course refuted that. One of the chapters in the book was about 'letting your children, especially teenagers have free reign over some kind of currency ' it went into detail about the how to's and the why's of assigning specific amounts.

After a while of absentmindedly eating, Cross suddenly spoke, "So boss, is there anything on the agenda" impassiveness coated his words as he patiently waited for me to respond "Indeed there is Cross," I began to show a slight smirk as the rest of the gang listened to what I was about to say"We are all going on an outing to one of the AUs under our protection I will give you all 100G each you may spend it on whatever you wish." I finished

Every-monster there seemed to be confused at the unexpected excursion, the first of which to vocally speak their confusion at this was Error "wHy 4r3 wE G0¡ng s0 r4Nd0mlY?" He glitchingly questioned. My smirk dropped to a straight line and my tentacles stopped their slow movements. Admittedly I haven't thought of why I just said what came to mind, not like I would announce that to them, "To get better relations with the places we are currently protecting,"I responded, my tentacles resuming their earlier movements what a horrible response.

"When are we going" Horror asked after a couple of seconds "We will be going in an hour so get ready to meet up in the living room, I will bring the disguises." I answered, Horror nodded seemingly being excited to be able to buy something.
— — — — — —
One hour of messing about later...
— — — — — —
After a while everyone was there each talking about different things "Are we all ready?" I asked, after a variety of different yeses were said around the living room. I carefully wrapped my tentacles around everyone in the room (Except for Error as to not trigger his haphephobia I had instead opted to tell him of the location in advance as to meet up with him) and teleported to an AU that was under our protection. If I remember correctly it was a variation of a pacifist underswap.

When we had appeared at the location (which was a forest that was near a town) I began to give out the various sized cloaks that was coated in magic to stop the user from being check'd and a pouch with 100G to each monster present.As they all put on the cloaks I began to put on my own, and as I put up the hood I announced "We will meet back up at this spot in few hours. Do not get lost." Before swiftly walking through the forestry and towards the shops. I do not care too much about any of the stores except for a certain one that promised rare and collectible books on an outside sign.

As I pushed open the door a little bell jingles to sound to the shopkeeper that someone had entered and I heard I half-hearted "Welcome." From the monster that was behind the counter.

I - without thinking- went straight to the shelf's with books to see if there was any I had yet to own.

There was three there that I had yet to own, I bought them and left without a second thought. After that there was only a few places that really caught my interested, with all of them being or having a small book store inside. Before I knew it the hours went by and I was back at the location. I was the second to last monster to appear as it seems that Killer was later.

Which I completely expected.

Atleast his incompetence let me feel what the rest of the gang was feeling to see if they enjoyed going out. Every-monster there seemed to be feeling a different type of positive emotion. Even though all the positivity was making him slightly disgusted and weak since it was coming off of his boys he decided to push past it and give a small smile not that they would be able to see with his hood on.

In a couple of minutes, I saw Killer skip into the small clearing and listened as he tried to explain himself by coming up with many excuses ranging from "There was half priced cookies!" To "I was trying to stay away from the swap of this AU!" Absolutely no one would ever believe these excuses. Before the panicked skeleton could come up with a more outrageous excuse than the last I interrupted him "I will think of a fitting punishment at a later date for now let's go back to the castle to drop off what was bought."I then carefully grabbed hold of the gang with my tentacles, except from Error who had already gone, and teleported back and watched as they all were about to leave before saying

"We will be going out on a monthly basis and you will be getting 100G as allowance bi-weekly."

(1181 words)

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