Day 6: serve

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(I think this was one of the harder ones).
It was just turning afternoon in my ever-night world, when the smell of food was wafted throughly the air of the first floor of the dark castle. Usually I can't smell this due to my office being quite far up but I had gone downstairs due to the loud bantering of both Killer and Cross, which was unsurprisingly more apparent than any smell could be

I had just entered the room they were arguing in when Killer began to make a very obvious sexual comment "Then why don't you go and serve your 'master', we all know how close you both are!" I have no idea why he would even think that remark would mean anything. Me and Cross rarely talk about anything other than jobs, raids and, to put it simply, work, but even though there is nothing going on between us. Cross seemed to be a mix of anger and...embarrassment? I'm not too sure,I have not felt it in others for a while so for now it would be impossible to tell.

A quick cough stopped the two getting from getting physical, "Will you two stop fighting." I asked - except it was less of an ask and more of an order- the two skeletons looked shocked before both apologising in their own ways. I turned to Killer and rose my tentacles to threaten him without the need to verbally, but like always he doesn't seem to get this obvious warning,  "And Killer stop insinuating that there is always something going on between me and others." I reprimanded (verbally this time) the reason being that this was the worst of the hundredths of times he has implied a relationship between me and another and I'm completely done with it.

Killer looked more shocked than when I had interrupted them earlier and slightly scared, mostly due to the fact that I had overheard him. "Sorry boss it won't happen again!" He said with a surprising amount of noise.

Stars I wish these arguments happened after we had dinner.

(350 words)

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