Day 15: part

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(Oh no I just willingly made this a two parter chapter noooo my ideas are leaving me noooo)
The usual and boring day I was having had ended as soon as a rhythmic knock was heard in my silent and tranquil office, I had about another hour of arbitrary paper work to undertake which I could not postpone due to the urgency of said documents, there was another couple of knocks on the door before seconds later it burst open with a certain black-teared skeleton pranced into the room without a care in the multiverse.

"If what you are about to ask me is on the bounds of stupidity, I will throw you into timeout." I solemnly said restraining myself from doing it then and there. Killer's smile grew every larger at the prospect of explaining about what had cause the ruckus as the door. "Help us prank the Stars." Killer flatted out. Is the multiverse ending or did he just say something that was smart.

My frown at his entrance slowly became a smirk. "Who else is taking part." Killer chuckled at the flat out response that I had given, "Everyone except Cross, apparently he has some 'work' to do."

"What do you have planned" I got up from my seat while my tentacles swirled in the air showing how interest I was in such an idea. This will be great, for us.

(235 words)

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