Day 5: fireworks

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(Wheeeey fire and some good ol' bonding)
"Cross what are those?" I questioned after noticing said monster carrying a quite large crate seeming to have of stealing it from the last AU that we were spreading negativity in "They are fireworks, I was going to ask if you would  approve of their usage for a human tradition." The rather stoic guard asked. "And what exactly are these fire works." These fire works have surely interested me.

Whilst asking this we were slowly approaching the living room, the others most likely have gone to their respective rooms to clean up we all makes sense we are all drenched in blood (Even Cross the only monster here who is always freakishly clean had some red on his usually pure white clothes).

"They are explosives humans launch into the night sky that creates different patterns and colors." After he had finished his explanation, he put the crate down onto the coffee table. "So boss is it possible for us to set them off tonight?"

I didn't expect Cross to ask that so suddenly, but it does seem like a good idea, gathering all the boys around these fireworks and watching them explode sounds rather peaceful almost as peaceful as stargazing in outertale "Yes it is alright to do so, gather everyone to the living room after they have finished cleaning up we will discuss it more then." I responded, after which I felt how ecstatic Cross was when he calmly walked out the living room.

Once he had left I decided to make myself comfortable, as cleaning up that much blood will take a while, so I sat down on the rather large phthalo green couch and retracted my tentacles, luckily the tar-like substance they are made of seemed to of gotten rid of the blood that had stained them moments ago.

Half an hour of boringly waiting on the couch later, Killer, Dust and Horror had all teleported to a couch each, all talking about different things that had made no real sense. Shortly after, both Cross and Error appeared after one another. Then they both sat down on different sides of the same couch.

"In roughly ten minutes we shall all be setting off and watching these fireworks, that Cross brought in, outside the castle's gate." I announced. As soon as I said fireworks I could tell every skull in the room -except Cross and possibly Error since they know a rather substantial amount of information on humans-would've had confusion written all over it "If you have any questions ask them now."

"Whatsa firework?" Killer asked with curiosity coating his always joyful tone, "Its an explosive that makes colored patterns in the sky" He then nodded to my response to show he understood.

Once a minute had passed I assumed that it meant that no other monster here had anymore question that meaning it was safe to prepare the fireworks "Since it seems no one has anymore question me and Error will be preparing the show, you are all dismissed." As all the skeletons were beginning to exit the room to get ready, Error almost immediately asked with annoyance clearly being present in his tone, "wHy d0 1 h4Ve t0 h3lP¿" Error immediately retorted "Because you know more about human traditions than me, now hurry off to the location I said earlier." Error groaned before glitching off.

I sighed before re-extending my tentacles to grab the large crate and teleporting outside the castle, to which I saw Error using his strings (that came from a portal leading to the anti-void)to sit on. "So how exactly do we set off the fireworks?" I asked Error It shouldn't be that hard to set them off, after all humans use them.

"y0u S1mPIy uS3 F1я3 t0 1gN1t3 tH3 fцS3."Error supplied, So use fire magic then? I can't use fire magic and I'm sure no one in the gang can, possibly Error could I don't know his attacks as well as the rest,"Error can you use fire magic" I asked with slight concern "n0," he replied, swinging back and forth on his string-chair to some extent.

This may be harder than i thought, or not, I'm pretty sure I remember Horror having a lighter next to the stove just incase it went out as much as it did in horrortale. I set down the crate of fireworks from tentacles, which I had only just remembered I still was carrying, then retracted my tentacles again and teleported into the kitchen to look for the lighter.

For the first time in forever, Lady Luck was on my side. As soon as I went into the kitchen the lighter was in the first place I thought it would of been. I took it and put it into my extremely organised inventory and teleported back. Once I had done so i saw that the entire gang was all there chatting in one big huddle.

After seeing them all so sociable despite everything that has happened over the years to them truly made me feel proud. Proud to be called the boss of all of these wonderful skeletons. Not that I'd admit that, maybe at a later date, but not now. Once I had finished unknowingly smiling at their chatting, I walked over to them and announced with a little bit of excitement "Now that everyone is here it's time to set off the fireworks!" Everymonster there cheered in various yes' and yeahs.

"Cross since you were the one who originally brought in the fireworks you will also be the one to set them off."I added whilst holding out the lighter ,that I had gotten out of my immaculate inventory, to Cross who took it with gratitude and excitement to which he started with heading towards the crates

"Once I set these off please be quite far away, they could misfire,"Cross said with concern. Error slowly got up from his self made chair and walked up the rest of the group before retracting the strings back into the anti-void. Then once across was a bit closer to the crate we all slowly backed away.

After a bit of waiting, Cross was close enough to light the fuse of the fireworks. So he bent down turned the lighter on and set it ablaze then teleported to where we were all standing.

We all waited in anticipation, looking skyward, right above where the fireworks were lit. A few seconds of silence passed before some sort of hissing was heard at the crate before something white shot into the dark sky and made a loud boom before shattering into several bright lights, one resembling a star and when in groups a flower. Then more white streaks followed. Different patterns painted the night sky, making the moon seem like a night lamp in comparison.

Minutes passed as we all stood in silent amazement and enjoyment at the almost mosaic lights before the last white streak exploded and we were left with the view of the night. Several seconds passed by before the excited yelling of Killer cut through the quiet "THAT WAS AWESOME" he exclaimed Horror and Dust both gave Killer a smile before agreeing and began talking with each other. Error seemed to still be in shock, perhaps he hasn't seen them up close before. Cross was walking right up to me with the largest smile a skeleton could have before asking me "Do you think we could do this another time?"I knew he would ask this, luckily I had the perfect answer. "If we have free time after missions and raids then yes."

After I said this, he ran with such glee up to the other skeletons that even though all this positivity was really weakening and sickening to me the sole fact that it was coming from my boys made all of its effects disappear.

I haven't been this content and happy in many hundreds of years and I'm glad that it was because of the time I share with my gang.

No this wasn't my gang anymore.

This was my family.

(1363 words)

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