Day 23: survey

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(This was more written like a concept than a oneshot chapter maybe my writing has dropped on quality lol).

Yesterday we were graced with the knowledge that the realm in which my castle is located does in verity, have a quite diminutive weather cycle and it was an egregious one to say the least. Due to it's unexpected stormy harshness, a survey of the stronghold to ensure its fortitude is extremely necessary.

Rising from my slumber at the earlier time of one o'clock, I transformed my clothes to the usual and retracted my tentacles and teleported to first location that needed to be checked. That was the menacing spiked metal fence which encircled the estate. They were the easiest to repair and by far the easiest to find damage on.I was done in a matter of minutes.

Next was the inside of the outer rooms, to which I teleported into the interior of and after discerning the lack of damage I left and moved to the next. Despite my unpreparedness towards the defense of any weather the castle had remained dry ans unharmed on the inside.After determining that to be factual I teleported to the next and final area, the outside of the castle.

When compared to the rest of the sites it remained unharmed and was the same Stygian shade it was left at. Perhaps I was worried for nothing. Then at the last glance of the stone walls I noticed a minuscule crevice in the bulwark, which was easily fixed. This albeit small gap in the wall was all the reassurance I needed to justify my actions.

(269 words)

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