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Three days. Is how long I was dispersed in the air. And in those three days everything came back to me.

Let me help you catch up with me...

My name is Lana Karina Lahey, I'm only 14 and I recently discovered that I'm one of three of the most powerful witches alive.

My friends/family, and the other two power witch and warlock are Ravel Amber Lee and David O'Neil Wills.

That old man voice, was Grandmaster Prynne. He too was once a warlock of his time but, sacrificed his power to be sent forward in time to teach us.

The place that I was in, I wasn't in there by my free will. During our last encounter with whatever we were fighting, I drained myself of all energy trying to protect my family. My body went into a new life of it's own using the rest of my power to hid myself from what had taken my body.
We had later come to believe that this were some kind of sick supernatural creature family that more powerful by eating people and leaving their bones at the next victims house. With the little sap of energy had I protected myself in tiny little intervals but, that didn't stop them from playing with my mind. Making me revisit and relive the moments of my life id much rather forget.

But, I was now back. Grand master still wanted me to rest. Rav and Dav always kept that close eyes on me. I wasn't allowed to leave so I just roamed the house that the four of us lived in eating all the food, and watching the tv. While keeping my giggles to myself watching Ravel and David test their powers.

I needed Grandmasters approval to use a simple levitation spell . After two hours of him blocking my power I was done with that shit.

But, grandmaster was kinda of super over the top stubborn and wasn't letting up.


(Sorry to any and all morals who don't share this same feeling. All I can tell you is that you should.)


"Yes Ravel?"

I didn't know why but, I was excited for this and I hadn't been this excited for anything... since... since Isaac got that fan for my birthday.

My face fell, but I quickly fixed it seeing David enter the room. I remembered that he was crazy protective over Ravel and I.

"You okay?" He asked looking into my eyes.

His passage into our lies he called them.

"Yeah, I'm just nervous." I lied.

He brought it but, Ravel didn't.

"So we'll talk later, yeah?"


"Talk about what?"

"Girl things Dave. You don't wanna know."

I sent her a smile.

"The floor is all yours." She said waving her hand.

Once inside our we'll hidden room of magic, I took off the jacket I was wearing. There wasn't a real need to wear the jacket it just was something nice to have on.

Grandmaster, however was no where to be seen. A smile grew on my face this was my favorite test.

For an old man, who back in his time would be at least 67 now. He moved really fast and with this kind of speed in his movement it was my job to try and stop him from landing a blow on me.

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