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At school, the next day, the one person, I was looking for wasn't there.

"Hey. He'll show. Don't worry" Allison said flashing me a smile before heading off to class

I made a decision after that to wait for him.

I stopped into the restroom and waited for everyone to leave the hall. I could do this I didn't have class with any of the pack till Economics with Coach but, I needed Isaac now, I needed to know he was alright.

I sat up last night biting on my nails,that's something I haven't done in years. Isaac was bringing old habits out of me.

I paced the halls and waited in them for 10 minutes. Opening my lips to release a sad puff of air opened my locker grabbed my stuff and started going through lies as to why I missed half the class.

My locker slammed shut, and it would shut on my fingers if I hadn't I moved so quickly.

"Aiden." I said trying to hide my malice for him, he locked me in a closet. Triggered my fear. Aiden.. The twin. Dick move Aiden real dick move.

"He said you were cute and his was right."

"You almost took out my fingers." I told him.

He was very cute but that smile just seems to overconfident. No no likes over overconfident guys... Expect maybe Lydia.

"But, I didn't." He said walking next to me.

"And who's he?" I asked

"Your friend, Lahey."

I paused on the steps lie detecting system frying into tiny tiny pieces.

Play along.

"Isaac told you I was cute. My bestie Isaac said that?"

"Yeah. He's the one who talked me into doing this."

"Doing what?" I stopped smiled sweetly and turned to face him. We were on the top of the first set of steps.

"Um... Uh... Asking you out?" He got all shy and looked at me underneath his eyelashes and I have to admit for a moment I was tempted to tell him yes.

"I'm so sorry but, I can't. I have a date with someone already."

His face fell and shock took over, "With who?"
I smiled at him, leaving him to think on it for a minute.

"Stiles." I called to him in a happy tone, jumping into his arms when he waved at me.

I kept one hand placed on his chest and a flirty smile on my lips as Aiden passed throwing daggers at Stiles.

" I don't think he knows that Isaac is my brother." I said locking fingers with his as we walked to the lunch room.

"They know." Scott said

"Anybody seen Mr.Lahey?" The coach said looking dead at Stiles and I interlocked hands.

The smile that he pulled knocked me from my train of thought.

"Why'd he'd just look at you like that?"

Stiles avoided the question and Scott just laughed with his head down.

"The twins... Know where Mr.Lahey is at."

I glared at them.


Time after school is for snaking and napping so after napping you so snack more and do homework. But, I didn't nap and I wasn't doing any homework.

I paced my floor and was just thinking. Maybe they were right and Derek was just keeping Isaac for some wolf training or something.

I relaxed and just went about normally.

But, going about this normally proved to the wrong choice. I had dreams, dark painful than the last and they all stared my brother.

David and Ravel tried to make me believe that it was my power talking and it was working itself against me. I brought it and meditated more.

Aiden still tried to get at me, even through I have it clear that I was with Stiles. Even kissed him in front of his face. But, he was still very much determined and that is what some girls like.

The whole weekend past and there was nothing new about my brother not showing up to school or swinging by the house.

I couldn't do this any longer I needed to find some answers.

I went scrambling through everything, his school locker, his gym locker, everything. I even went back to our home... and that was an emotionally time all those memories rushing back, I cried this time. Knowing he was dead, it made me cry.

I hated all the things, he did to me , to us Isaac and I but, he was still my father. He was the only one who gave a shit even if he didn't say it. Even if I didn't feel like he did. He gave a little bit of a shit. I hoped.

The fan that Isaac had gotten for my birthday when were little was still in the same hiding spot for years. I touched it. Sat on the bed and looked at it.

I hadn't never noticed it before but, of.the back written on the things that hold it together in tiny blue Sharpie own said this:

Isaac and Lana. Lahey... Lahey Love.

I touched each word feeling the tears fall from my face. But, as I went to wipe them I was back in my room, and sitting on my bed was Isaac's backpack.

"Step number one." I said getting into my car and going home.

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