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"We go to Derek's." Scott said,  I coughed on my water  quietly hearing his words. Looking at anything  but Scott.

Ravel looked at me and laughed.

The twins were no longer to be seen after this morning so, we could only assume a fight was going down.

"Tell him everything you saw." He said to Ravel.

"We met up after school." Stiles said and.drank his water.

********************* The Loft

"It was a mall, an abandoned bank." Ravel Spoke for like the hundredth time into two hours. She ran her fingers fusratedly through her hair and pulled on the ends.

I sat here rocking my leg back and forth listening to Ravel describe what she saw but, the off thing about Ravel was unless she was speaking to the opposite sex on something real she wasn't very good with words and a abandoned back was all we got out of her.

She huffed running her fingers through her hair. It was right there she remembered it all she just wasn't able to put it into the right form of words

"Ravel. Ravel." I took her hand in my passing her a pencil then guided her hand to her sketching pad .

"Breath. Just show us bae." I avoided the evil glare from Erica, Boyd was the first I apologized to and Derek only pretended I wasn't there which was fine by me.

"Here. This is what I saw. Aiden was talking to Isaac, Ethan was talking to David, and there was this other guy with a stick. I think he was blind tho"

"Deucalion." Derek said.

"Who's that?" Derrek ignored me

"What were the twins saying?"

"Hey I think we are more than qualified to know." I said snapping to get his attention.

"Actually I think you've done enough." He growled back

"Actually, I haven't nearly enough." I said grinding my teeth.

Ravel pulled me back from the table and stood in front of me. I pinched the bridge of my nose and spoke with my eyes closed.

"Aiden was taunting Iassc and if I really wanted to know what Ethan said, I would have to find him." I said breathing in slowly.

I looked outside the big window Derek had, seeing the moon had a reddish tint to it. A Blood Moon, a blood moon was coming it only made sense that's why I was pissed by the tiniest.things. The Blood Moon was my moon

"I'm still not understanding how this is possible." Stiles said standing up.

"How what is possible? Ravel asked

"You two... Three, David...not here."

There goes that natural adorableness again,

"Ravel can see, I can and most times will talk and David can feel, see if something were to happen to us during this time David would be able to feel what we did."

"We ourselves aren't sure how this is possible but, we've come to the conclusion that it has something to do with our powers dropping." Ravel added.

"And what does that mean, "Powers Dropping?"

"It's a long story. I spoke waving Erica off.

"We've got time." Derek again, I was beginning to think he like smell of my anger.

"We don't." I said through clenched teeth

"It's just means that we're getting stronger." Ravel answered

"Stronger for what?"

"This ain't story time." I fumed.

"We don't know yet. Some things are still patchy for us."

" Deucalion is an Alpha who's trying to build the perfect pack." Derek said.

"And how does one build the perfect pack?"

"By getting other Alphas to kill their betas." Stiles said looking around.

Erica and Boyd looked horrified by what he said, it was perfect to say they didn't know anything about that little nick in being a werewolf.

"How appropriate." I wryly chuckled shaking my hand and going to sit away from the group.

"What's the plan?" Scott asked.

"We go in and get my brother and our friend." I offered from my sit.

"You can't just go surfing into a pack hut full of alphas." Derek said."We do this mine way...or you stay here."

He said that last part looking directly at me. He knew I wasn't going to wait in the loft while they went and fought. Not gonna happen.

"Well he's already been there for four days." Boyd said sounding genuinely concerned.

"I know. I need a few days. Can you do that?"

"A few days for what?" Scott asked.

"I wasn't asking you."

Derek and met eyes ,I placed my forehead against the cool metal of the staircase. "Its not like, I have a choice but, what I said still stands. Only remember there's a human involved now."

****************Time Lapse

"We should have super cute gonna kick your ass outfits for tomorrow." Ravel.said.

"Ravel. This is serious."

"I know but, I still can't help but, feel you know giddy. I don't know maybe because I'm not thinking of all the bad things that could happen."

"But, that's you. It's just you. Ravel, you're not wired to think mostly bad things. It's what makes you fun to be around."

We sat, the TV going with no sound, Stiles had already went to bed we checked... Twice.

"What happens to the two of us if we don't get to David in time?" Ravel asked looking at nothing really she was just thinking out loud.

Grandmaster stressed to us that we needed each other the power of three (Yes, a charmed reference. I love that show)

"What did the two of you do while I was gone?"

"Worry. Not sleep. Worry some more. Lana, I'm thinking now and I'm getting scared. I mean I was scared when you were gone but, I was so sure that whoever had you wouldn't kill you because, they were so conflicted about our power. But, you heard stiles, alphas killing betas Davids not a werewolf."

"I think they know that already."

"And that's what freaks me out. Lan what if-"

"Don't say that, he's fine."

"You don't know that."

"I've gotta hope."

"You hate hope."

"It's the only thing left." I said staring at the television not really watching out just looking at the moving pictures.

We feel silent again, the movie still running with no sound. Ravel's words sinking in but, for another reason;For Isaac; Derek already had two other Betas but, they only took Isaac.

"When you took out our backyard, was there anyone around?"

"David who ducked for cover, and the poor trees. Why you asking?"

"No real reason just something to free myself from the next days to come"

I tired to picture going back to the day David almost killed someone on the field but, I don't remember seeing any twins.

"Come on Ravel." I said poking her up off the couch.

"Where are we going?"

"We need super cute gonna kick your ass while still looking fabulous outfits."

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