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"Where you guys coming from?" Scott asked besides our meeting yesterday this was the official thrid time, he said anything in my presence.

"JamesPlace." David answered.

"JamesPlace that's really a long ways away. What made you move out here?" Stiles asked

"We just needed a change." Ravel said.

"It was time to get away from the same boring routine." I answered biting into my apple.

"What made you want to move all the way out here? Allison questioned

"Our grandfather said this was the first step into finding out about Lana."David answered.

"Is that who you live with? Your grandfather?"

"Yeah, We're all adopted but, he took us in when we had no one and he raised us like family." I said pulling my blue eyes out on Stiles since I knew he would break.

"Got any family out here Lana?" Scott asked.

"That's what I'm trying to find out so, if you have any clues let me know. I just recently became increasingly curious about my biological family."

The table fell silent again, and I watched the unspoken conversion unfold before me at the table, Ravel picked at her tray and David was just looking around.

"Tell me I'm kidding myself but, I feel like they know something we don't." I said chipping off the rest of my nail paint.

"Boyd had a cuteness factor to him." Ravel said.

"I'm getting sleepy." David answered.

I rolled my eyes sometimes they never payed attention to me even if I was in their heads.

I felt there was much more questions to be asked but, the bell rang for our next class. Which Ravel and I refused to do anything with.

"Wills!" The sub for economics blew his whistle and yelled for David.

"Stand in, front line.."

"McCall, goal."

I made a face that Allison must have caught on to it.

"Has he ever played?" Allison asked

"Not a day-" Ravel started
"In his life." I finished

"Is that going to be painful?" I asked

"Depends on how good he is." Lydia answered eyeing David.

"His stick is enchanted. Do you see it?"
"Yes, I do, he's such a cheat."
"He don't know how to play."
"You would have totally done the same."
"I would have. I really would have."

David stopped in the middle of the field and touched his head. I looked at Ravel and we studied him together

"Is he okay?" Allison asked standing up from her spot.

Shit got real unreserved, real quick. David pushed someone running towards him but, pulled him back to slam him into the ground.

"Help me." He called to us

"Grab him. Shit, Ravel go!" I said to Ravel gripping all of our stuff

"He's gets this terrible headaches. So that's most likely what it could be." I lied to both Lydia and Allison.

We ran on field, flipping off the bleachers and landing on our feet. We carried/dragged his ass back into the locker room. We sat with shirtless and panting David, he was rubbing his eyes and shaking his head.

"Dav, what's wrong baby, please talk to us." Ravel asked trying to take his hand into mine.

"No. Stop. Don't touch me."

"David-" she stopped and as David jerked away from her. I felt a pang of a memory coming back to me.

" I hissed and pulled away from him when he twisted it. The look on his face, like id just slapped him harder then daddy every would."

That's what Ravel looked like when David jerked away from her touch.

"It's his powers their surging because of the moon." I stared looking out the locker room window into the sky only to see clouds

"Wh-What's going on? What just happened out there."

"Stiles, sweetie not right now." I said putting him under a spell.

"Yeah. Sure. We'll talk later." He said leaving.

"H-Uh-Home." David broke out.

We moved quickly to the car, I threw Ravel my keys and dug into the front pockets to get Davids keys.

"Ahh." He groaned.

"Hang on David, please."

"Ahh." He squeezed me

I dropped his keys, "SHIT! DAVID! WE CAN HELP! JUST TELL US WHAT'S WRONG!" I yelled at him. I opened the back door and pushed him to lie down.

Things turned for the worst, I was already driving above the limit, ducking and passing others cars, running red lights. But, David sat up and reached his hands over mine in the wheel.

"David!Stop!" I called fighting him, his hands squeezed my writs.

"AHHHH! David, let go." He was breaking it all over again, fresh shocks of pain skidded through my body

He did but, he didn't, his hands moved to my neck, latching on and getting tighter by every passing moment.

I couldn't take my hands off the wheel and I couldn't let him choke me to death.

Tiny black spots appeared in my fading vision. David wasn't hearing words, maybe he'd hear power. My eyes flashed and this time, I could see what they looked like. Green. Bright green. A very different contrast to Davids blue.

The world was a blur to me as David and I lost control. I woke up with my head on the wheel, bleeding like hell, my eyes burned and I wanted to pull them from my.sockets, David was laying limp over the front console of the car and it was a reck. If you show the damage to this car, 'Nature Strikes Back ' had nothing to do with it

I got out, turned and pulled David out with me,
"Ahh shit." I cussed feeling the pain of my rebroken writs again.

I got David as far as possible away from the car in case it wanted to blew up. A major blow your brains out headache made itself very know and I used Davids passed out body as a pillow. I would have reacted as two yellow eyes appeared above me but, reacting to this was out of the question, I was too hurt to move.

" It was hairy, and it had yellow eyes, and it's teeth were sharp along with his claws but, the thing that got me the most was it was wearing clothes. Human clothes, like myself. And I want freak about it, but i didn't and I began to think maybe it was because I needed something to care for me.

"Are you going to kill me? I asked though sobs.

Yes. Okay. Yes I was taking to the creature with yellow eyes and sharp teeth. I just so ready for it to end.

"Kill me. Just end me now." I said looking away from it's yellow eyes.
But, when it didn't advance, I looked back at it.

Those yellow eyes, no matter how eeire they seemed where sad. I couldn't tell if they were sad because of my apprence or just sad in femoral.

This thing moved slowly towards me afriad I would come to senses and run.
But, I didn't. I stayed and watched it's carefully movements.

I let the creature pick me up, I would have seen more but, I blacked out.''

I remembered that night and when I woke up, I was in JamesPlace woods.

My entire body felt like a paper weight,, I was so heavy I couldn't even move. My breathing was labored and my eyes were heavy but, I felt a sense of accomplishment I had found him again.

" Yellow Eyes. I-I remember you." I said to the creature before I again blacked out.

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