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"Lana,Lana,Lana. Where are they? Hmm. Where did you put them?" His eyes were a play to me.
They were furiously happy like he enjoyed seeing me cry. He was all to happy to make me cry out in pain.

He raised his hand, I flinched back this would be the fourth time he'd slapped my across my face. I was more than certain that my cheek would forever carry his hand print on it and maybe that's what he wanted.

"Where are they?" He asked again bringing his hand and more pain across my cheek.

Since the beginning of...well...time. I was always the easy bruiser but, ever since Isaac left he took more pride in bruising me. As if a tighter grip we're possible he managed it, his fingers were wrapped around my arm so tight Icould feel the viens in them bunch together.

I pulled away, feeling the pain of his fifth back hand also, his grip slipped but, regained full crush if not more on my wrist.

"AHHHH!!" That was the loudest I've ever yelped when he chaught my bad wrist.

"Where are you going?!" He asked me, crushing my wrist even more.

"You're going to run to your worthless brother?"

He twisted my wrist more.

"THEY'RE ON THE COFFEE TABLE. WHERE THEY'VE ALWAYS BEEN." I yelled using my dismissing strength to free myself from his hold.

He let go and smiled seeing his keys right were I said they'd be. When he truned to face my crippling, shaking body he smiled even wider.

"See that wasn't so hard now was it." He said.

He slammed the door behind him on drove down the road. It was nighttime but I didn't care, I ran out the back door straight into the woods.

Twigs, thrones, and branches seemed to come from no where as I ran, crying, willing my cold bare feet to take me far away from that evil house. I tripped over something and tumbled down a hill.

When I reached the bottom, I used my knees to spport myself off the wet leaves and screamed.


I screamed till I felt my lungs would bust from my chest. Then I huddled myself into a ball and cried more.

My cries truned into sobs, my sobs become sinffes when I looked up at the thing in front of me.

It had hair all along the side of its face, and it had yellow eyes, and it's teeth were sharp along with his claws but, the thing that got me the most was it was wore clothes. Human clothes, like myself. And I wanted freak about it, but i didn't and I began to think maybe it was because I was finally coming to an end, I just wanted it to be all over.

"Are you going to kill me? I asked though sobs.

Yes. Okay. Yes I was taking to the creature with yellow eyes and sharp teeth. I just so ready for it to end.

"Kill me. Just end me now." I said looking away from it's yellow eyes.
But, when it didn't advance, I looked back at it.

Those yellow eyes, no matter how eeire they seemed where sad. I couldn't tell if they were sad because of my apprence or just sad in general.

This thing moved slowly towards me afriad I would come to senses and run.
But, I didn't. I stayed and watched it's carefully movements.

I let the creature pick me up, I would have seen more but, I blacked out. When I came to, I was laying in a bed of moss with semi-dry leaves in my hair. My clothes were still damp and I had no idea were I was, I walked past a welcome sign and down the street to a house. I don't know what lead me there and I don't know why I chose to knock on this houses door but, when it opened I was greeted by a fairly looking old man who offered me a towel and breakfast. Inside in the living room was another girl and a boy.

"We've been waiting for you, Ms. Lahey."

I never forget that day and I never forgot whatever helped me, I named it Yellow Eyes. And made a promise to myself that I would find it and thank it.

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