31. Back to school...Again

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The castle was bustling with chattering students and weary professors. Classes had started back up again. The snow was starting to melt and the birds were chirping in the mornings again.

Yet Marilyn stood in front of her bathroom mirror, dark circles under her eyes, her skin pale and dull.


Her days had blurred together. A mix of zoning out during classes, avoiding her friends, finding excuses to miss their group's hangouts, hiding in the library or smoking in the astronomy tower. She had found a new dealer and the Longbottom boy's weed was better than Theo's.

More than anything, she was trying to avoid Theo's impaling gaze that seemed to follow her every move as if she didn't see enough of them in her dreams. It was too late for them. She had screwed everything up.

Why couldn't she just leave it be?

She only brought chaos to his life.

It was for the better that she spent her time alone. Or working on the vanishing cabinet with Mattheo. She could at least do this right. It was something. Her parents wanted her to marry him and so did the Dark Lord. There was no escaping her fate. She'd already fucked everything up with Theo right?

Yes, it was better this way. This way she wouldn't hurt anyone.

"Hello? Marilyn?" Pansy's voice shook Marilyn from staring off into space.

"Oh, huh?" Marilyn shifted her focus back to the raven-haired girl.

"Are you coming to the great hall? Class ended." Pansy said softly.

"Oh...no I've got to get to the cabinet."

Pansy loudly dropped her books on the desk Marilyn was sat at in the Charms classroom.

"Okay. Enough. I've tried to be understanding even though I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be understanding about because you won't tell me anything. But I can't anymore. What's going on Lyn? You've been avoiding us for 2 weeks."

"Nothing's going on Pans. I just have a task to do." Marilyn huffed.

"You're lying. There's something. Every time anyone's asked you to hangout, you avoid us, you don't eat with us, you disappear at night, you're zoned out half the time!" Pansy angered. "I've said nothing for 2 weeks. I figured maybe you just needed space. But it's been too long. Talk to me."

Marilyn sighed.

"I just...I'm worried about the task. The Dark Lord had included us to help Draco and Theo kill Dumbledore. I'm...scared. What if this Death Eater stuff has gone too far?"

Pansy huffed, frowning for a moment.

"I don't know. I really don't." She shook her head, slumping into the desk next to Marilyn who rested her head on Pansy's shoulder.

"I just...I know this is our life. This is our parents life and this will be our children's life. But we're supposed to help Theo and Draco kill one of the most powerful wizards of all time."

Pansy leaned her head on Marilyn's.

"How are we supposed to do that when we're in remedial charms" Pansy joked.

Marilyn scoffed.

"Maybe I'm less worried about the morality of it, maybe I'm just worried about failing. Last person who failed the dark lord..."

"Well...we just won't fail then. You me and Blaise might be in remedial charms but Draco and Theo are in all NEWT classes. They're undefeated in dueling club and Blaise is a master at Hexes. Not to mention Mattheo told us he's pretty much only studied the dark arts." Pansy said.

Pansy always knew how to cheer Marilyn up. She had forgotten that in her days of avoiding her.

"I'm sorry Pansy. I missed you." Marilyn chuckled.

"Well duh. But we made a pact. All of us. None of us want to do this. But at least we have eachother. We have to stick together. That's the only way we'll get through all this death eater bullshit. No secrets between us, no hiding." Pansy smiled.

"Oh, there's plenty of secrets. Do Draco and Theo know about you and Blaise's addition to your relationship?" Marilyn raised an eyebrow at her.

"Well, no-but we're not the only ones! I found a Gryffindor scarf in Draco's dresser the other day..."

"Oh yeah? What were you doing in Draco's dresser?"

"I'm BORED. Okay? You've been avoiding us remember? I have no one to convince to snoop around with me!"

"Or to convince you it's a bad idea." Marilyn chuckled.


The girls walked to the great hall together smiling and chatting the whole way there. As they entered the hall, the warmth and chatter of the students felt like music to Marilyn. She smiled as they walked past the tables, watching students as they laughed and ate with their houses.

They sat at their usual table but this time, Mattheo was sitting next to Theo.

They were talking.

They were laughing.

"Wonderful new development isn't it?" Pansy grinned as they sat down. "You would know if you'd bother to eat with us..."

Marilyn glared at her and Pansy winked.

"Oh look who's decided to join us." Blaise sneered.

"I beginning to think she died mate." Draco smiled devilishly at Marilyn.

"And I was beginning to think you only shagged Slytherins Draco." Marilyn narrowed her eyes at him.

Blaise's mouth fell open.

Pansy's eyes widened.

"And I thought Blaise and Pansy only shagged each other." Draco chuckled.

The couple grinned at each other.

Theo and Mattheo were caught up in their own conversation.

"I'm telling you mate, your animagus should be a honey badger. It's not just the puff mascot. They're really vicious you know. They're really- oh" Theo stopped mid-sentence as he noticed Marilyn sitting right in front of him.

"Hi." Marilyn said quietly.

Theo just stared at her.

"Hi, glad you made it to dinner." Mattheo spoke as he shoved a spoonful of potatoes in his mouth.

Marilyn gave him a small smile.

Theo gave her a curt nod before turning back to his food.

"Oh yeah that wasn't awkward." Blaise whispered to Pansy.

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