Amalgam Of Emotions

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What will happen if we dust off the dust?

We all will face challenges and good fortune can be brewed in the wind and comforting melancholy moments

It's difficult to distinguish between good and evil but unrepentant actions end with a bitter taste for life time.

This is a continuation from the last chapter where Ram and Zoya found Priya and Naeem, Ram told his part of the story to clear his allegations and after that...

At Naeem's old family villa

Ram helped Priya settle on the couch and gave her some water. She put her head on his shoulder and held him tightly. Ram gave her assurance with his gesture and calmed her down like nothing significant happened here, it was a small issue. 

Zoya sat next to Naeem, holding his palm between her and assuring him that she was there for him no matter what the situation.

Ram (with a worried tone): Naeem, I understand your situation and your conflict to decide whom to trust. We can settle it among us without involving my family.

Priya: What are you saying?

Naeem: My father died untimely 5yr ago and we left our native place and lived in a new city. I was dying to kill the man who was behind it. However, things may not be the same as it was presented and I don't want to regret my action. I'm into the full story and find the truth

Ram: I can prove my innocence and your father's as well if I get a chance. You can gauge who is your real culprit. But let my family go back home safely before your brother's man comes here

Naeem: OK, they can go but you will stay here until I clear everything before I leave this place

Ram: You can keep me in custody until it is resolved.

Priya: No way, I'm not going anywhere. I vowed to stand by you no matter what

Ram: Don't be stupid, you don't care about your health but at least think about our baby. You please go with Zoya now. I'll return after closing this chapter forever

Priya: You can't decide for me. Do you think I'll leave you alone after seeing Naeem's true intention? We can send Tiku home with Zoya

Ram: Priya! don't worry, there were misunderstandings which cleared and a few left which will be sorted today.

Priya: No more discussion. I'm sure their men are spying on our home and risky to go back until Arav and his alliance behind the bar

Ram: Priya, you're right. You and Tiku can go to a safer place and hide until we resolve this

Priya: What's the guarantee that Arav will not harm you after getting their packages

Naeem: Priya, I never had the intention to harm you or Tiku. I had no choice but to follow my brother's instructions and save his business without knowing anything.

Priya: Do you think I'll believe you again?

Ram: Priya, thanks to Zoya who helped me to get here, she convinced him and explained the whole situation to him. We can't blame him after knowing his part of the story. Probably I would have done the same in his shoe 

After their small talk, Naeem decided to call his brother to find out the truth and he put his phone speaker on so that everyone can hear in the room.

Naeem: Bhai, Ram agreed with our condition and sent the consignment to our delivery location in exchange for Priya.

Arav: Good job my dear, I'll ask our people to keep an eye on it and we'll redirect the vehicle from that point.

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